Chapter 6*

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Claire's P.O.V

  "Every body dinner time!" As soon as Jasper said that everyone ran over to the fire standing in line for food. Including our group, well except me and Luke. Lenna had been helping the two that were cooking prepare the food. Of course we gave them some of our supplies for tonight's dinner. "Me you ,Mike,and Jason are sleeping in the camper unless you want to sleep in the room with your parents?" Luke asked raising an eyebrow. "Not really." I said smirking at him.

 "You hungry?" Luke asked me raising an eyebrow. "Not really." I laughed. "Yea me either." Luke said zipping his jacket up. "When it gets dark it's like everything gets scarier." I said zipping up my jacket. "You got that right." Luke said tilting his head up to look at the stars. "Lots of stars." I muttered.

 My attention was caught when I heard  laughter. I looked over to see  Jon and his wife Amber, Amber had told me they didn't have kids but were planning on having them. "I wish I could find somebody."Luke said sighing. "What about you and Annie?"I asked him as we began walking towards the camper. "She was pissed cause I didn't want to sneak away with her. I told her she was crazy, my family were here and I wouldn't leave them." Luke said shaking his head, he opened the camper door for me as soon as we got there.

 "Thanks." I said as I walked in, I lit a candle so it wouldn't be so dark. "Yup." Luke said shutting the door. I walked over and sat down on the couch, I looked over when I felt someone sit beside me. I realised how close mine and Luke's faces were. I saw his eyes flicker down to my flips for a second before his eyes met mine.

 I saw him coming closer to me, what is he going to do kiss me. I have waited for this moment for a long time! Yes! "Luke can I talk to you?" I heard the most annoying voice ask. I looked up to see a smirking Annie. "Sure.." Luke said standing up. Great,I thought as I stood up and walked over to the door. "See you later Claire." Luke said raising an eyebrow, okay maybe that was more of a question. "Sure." I muttered as I opened the door.

 I walked over to the fire where everyone was. "You hungry Claire?" Lenna asked patting a spot next to her. "Not really." I said as I sat down beside her. I saw Gage,Ariel, and the other kids playing  on the swings. A few torches lit the small play area, where the kids were playing. "You sure?" Lenna asked me. "Yea." I said giving her a small smile. "It sure has gotten cold." Mike commented.

 "Agreed." Lenna laughed, the blanket around her shoulders. She nudged me and opened it up a bit offering me some shelter from the chilly wind. I greedily accepted, I mean I would be crazy if I didn't. I sort of felt safe here, where there was a gate all the way around. "I don't think your mom likes me." Lenna whispered laughing.

 "Oh who cares." I said smirking at her. "Not me." she chuckled and kissed Shane as he sat down beside her. "Well I think it's time for bed!" Jasper said standing up and wrapping his arms around his wife Kathy. "Come on kids time for bed!" Kathy said. Allot of the kids and people went inside, I looked over to see my mother wave me over. "Wonder what she wants." I muttered to Lenna as I stood up and walked over there.

 "Hey sweetie." my mother said giving me a small smile. "Hey." I said looking around. "I wish you didn't hate me. What do I have to do to make you not hate me anymore?" my mother asked looking at me with tears in her eyes. "I don't hate you." I said wrapping my arms around her, pulling her in for a awkward hug. "You should hate me though." she sobbed.

 I looked over to see Luke and Annie making out. What the hell, I asked myself. I turned my head back to see my mother staring at me with worry in her eyes. "You like that boy don't you?" my mother asked wiping her tears away. "No." I said looking at the ground. "You do!" she said grinning at me. "Shh!" I said smiling. "Oh okay!" she said doing a zip and lock motion with her hands.

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