Chapter four*

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Claire's P.O.V

At noon I decided I had to get away for a little while. 'I'm going on a run." I said to Shane. "Where?" he asked as Luke and Annie walked in the room. "I want some more clothes.."I said. "Alright, Luke go with her."Shane said. "No! I can go himself." I said clearly. "I don't care to go." Luke chimed in. "Oh wait.. I forgot we got some..Oh I don't need to go thanks for offering!"I said walking outside slinging my crossbow onto my back. I felt my knife on my hip and made sure my gun was there before I walked into the woods.

"Where are you going?" Shane asked me, everyone out on the porch now. "To... see if I can get some...If I can find a deer."I said. "Wait I'll come with you." Luke said turning around to go inside. "No I can go by myself." I said walking into the woods not waiting to hear from anybody else. I already told my sister I was going out earlier, I told her I loved her and not to worry about me. That I could take care of myself, shit that was a lie.


I walked back up with a dead deer in my hand. "Good job Claire." Jason said taking the deer from me and giving me a big smile. "Thanks." I chuckled my sister running over and giving me a hug. "Hey sissy!" she said smiling up at me. "Hey." I said grinning at her. "Ariel come here I want to show you something!" Gage called to Ariel causing her to run over to him.

Wonder what he had to show her? "Hey." Luke said grabbing my arm. I spun around to look at him and glare at his hand on my arm. "Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked me his eyebrows knitting together."Sure." I said pulling my arm back from his grip, and following him behind the house. "Yes?" I asked him as we got behind the house.

"Are you pissed at me?" Luke asked frowning. "No." I said simply, as Matthew came around from the front. "Hey Matthew could you get bit of wood?" I asked him ,briefly I glanced at the dead walker bodies we had killed a few days ago. The smell was starting to get really bad. I couldn't stand it, "Sure." he said walking to the edge of the woods. "Is that all?" I asked Luke turning around to glance at him.

"Yea." Luke said as Annie came around the same side of the house we had. She jumped into Luke's awaiting arms giving him a kiss on the lips. Soon everyone joined us back here, Shane knew what I was doing as he helped me drag the walkers bodies into neater pile on top of the few branches Matthew had gathered for me. I pulled my lighter out of my pocket I set the bodies on fire, I watched the flames rise higher and higher as their flesh began to burn.

The smell of burning flesh soon filled the air as Lenna and Ariel went inside, they couldn't handle the smell. "Oh Lukey! It smells horrible!" Annie cried. "Go inside if you can't handle it."Jason snapped at the girl who was clinging to his cousin's arm. "Lukey! Did you hear how he snapped at me." she whispered to him, but I was closer to them so I could hear her every word.

"I heard.." Luke whispered. "Well say something." Annie pouted. I smirked at Jason and pulled out a cigarette offering him one. "Oh can I have one?" Luke and Shane chimed in, I gave them both one lighting it for them. "I want to try one!Can I have one?" Annie asked me I looked at Jason and he winked at me. "I don't think you could handle it."I said lighting my own and inhaling the smoke.

"I could!" she sneered at me, whispering something to Luke and he glanced up at me briefly before saying "Claire, don't act that way." I turned on my heel and blew my smoke in his face, I walked around the house away from them. I saw Mike was on watch at the front so I waved to him and asked how he was doing. Of course he replied with great.

Mike always looked on the positive side of things. I couldn't find many positive things out here. Sure we were all alive, but we were all infected weren't we? I mean we had to be. That would be the only reasonable explanation.

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