Chapter 7*

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Claire's P.O.V *2 weeks later* [A/N] They cleared  prison field, like in The Walking Dead. I'm not really sure how a prison is lied out, so sorry. They cleared prison field, where the guard towers are, then the Prison yard, Then Cell Block's C& B, at the backside of the prison. Cell Block C has 8 rooms, Cell Block B has 6 rooms. Keep in mind this is sort of a small prison, they got in the cafeteria but nothing was there.

 "We're back!" Shane hollered, I stepped out of the truck exhausted. Jasper's group has decided not to come with us but a few of the men helped us clear the prison's field where the guard towers were. This reminded me so much of my favorite TV Show, The Walking Dead.

 I watched as Lenna ran up to her husband, Luke soon joined them, along with Jason. "I'm glad your safe." my mother said hugging me. "Thanks, me too." I said smirking and hugging my sister, wincing a bit when her arms went around my ribs. "Tomorrow we leave!" Shane said, grinning at us. "I wish you all well." Jasper said smiling at Shane with his fake smile. "Well we appreciate you letting us stay and we will miss you all." Shane said.

 "Claire, your staying here aren't you?" my father asked me. I looked over at Lenna, and she walked over to me with Gage,Mike,and Luke close behind. "Well, uh no." I said looking at the ground. "We're your family, those people aren't." My father said. "They are my family, may not be by blood but they are my family." I said giving Lenna a small smile.

 Lenna sort of reminded me of Lori from The Walking Dead. But Shane, he didn't remind me of Shane from The Walking Dead. Shane, from The Walking Dead was a total ass. "Yes we are, don't you ever forget that Claire." Mike said and Lenna nodded. "Why aren't you guys coming?" I asked my mother and father.

 "Well, we like it here." my mother said smiling at me. "It's safer at the prison." Luke said coming up and standing beside me. "You cleared the whole place out?" my father asked raising an eyebrow. "Well yea, it was a small prison. But We aren't using Cell Block A, it was completely trashed. "Oh." my father said. "Dinner is ready!" Kathy Jasper's wife yelled to everyone.

 "What's for dinner?" I asked Kathy walking over to her. "Canned corn and Deer meat." she said handing me a plate. "Thanks." I said grabbing a fork and sitting down beside Jason. "Today was one hell of a day." I said taking a bite of my food. "I Agree." Jason said sighing. "Glad none of us got bit." I said taking another bite. "Uh yea, me too." Jason said shoving a bunch of corn into his mouth.

 "Don't get choked." I said grinning at him. He looked at me and smiled, pieces of corn on his teeth making it look like he has bright yellow teeth. I couldn't help but laugh at how silly he looked. I looked around to see everyone sitting down and eating, some talking and laughing. Others telling stories about their past.

 Now that I think about it the past seems like another life. I feel like I was born into this life. I pity any child being born into this kind of world. But I know Lenna's baby would be healthy, and we would all protect him or her from harm. I already know I would risk my life for the kid, and it hasn't even been born yet.

 I took another bite of my corn, finished with my food I stood up and walked over to the small table I lied my plate down on top of the others. "Who's washing dishes tonight?" Kathy asked. "I will." Melinda said in a thick Spanish accent. "Melinda, come help me." she said to her eight year old daughter. "Yes mama." she said,for an eight year old she spoke very good English.

 I looked at Lenna and she nodded her head to the camper. "Be right back."I whispered to Jason. As I walked over to the camper I wonder what Lenna wanted to talk about. "Hey, come in." Lenna said walking ahead of me into the camper. Once I got in I shut the door behind me and Lenna lit a candle.

 "What's up?" I asked Lenna. "I'm getting pretty big." Lenna said rubbing her stomach. "Yea, just a bit." I laughed. "I think maybe I have been pregnant for a while." Lenna sighed. "I have had morning sickness the past few days." Lenna continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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