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Claire's POV*

 I woke up as I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes to see Luke shaking me. "Hello." I said raising up, and getting out of bed to put my shirt on. "Your sister come up to wake us up for supper." Luke said attempting to fix his bed hair. I pulled my brown hair up into a bun as I walked over to Luke. "Luke you have bed hair." I laughed raking my fingers through his black hair.

 "I know." he smirked, my heart pounded in my chest threatening to come out as I felt his breath on my lips. "Are you two coming?" Gage asked from outside my door, curse it! "Yea.." Luke said snapping out of it and walking out of my room down the stairs. "What did you two do something?" Gage asked as I shut the door and started down the stairs. "No." I said telling the honest truth, but deep down I wish we would have done something.


 After eating supper, I washed the dishes and helped Lenna wash the clothes. "So you and Luke?" Lenna asked smirking up at me. "Oh no. You have it wrong." I told her. "Do I Claire?" she asked folding up the clothes. "Yes."I said scrubbing the blood out of someones shirt. "Shane and Jason found an old RV they think that they could maybe get it running again." Lenna said hopeful.

 "That's great." I said smiling up at her and wringing the damp shirt out. "Claire?" Luke asked suddenly standing in front of Me and Lenna. "Yea?" I asked, looking up at him. "Well I'm tired. Night kids!" Lenna said giving us both a hug and retreating up the stairs. "Want to go to the river around noon tomorrow and see if we could get any fish?" Luke asked me holding out a hand to pull myself up with.

 "Sure why not." I said smiling at him, as Shane came down the stairs. "Hey guys." Shane said grabbing a beer and sitting down on the couch. "Hey after I get my sister to sleep I could take an all nighter?" I asked him. "If you want." Shane laughed. "Okay." I said walking up the stairs but not before looking back at Luke to see him staring at my ass, as I caught his eyes he looked away his face flaming red.

 I couldn't help but laugh as walked into my bedroom and layed down beside my sister. As soon as she realised I was in  bed she curled up to me. "Night sissy." she said closing her eyes, her breathing soon became steady so I knew she was fast asleep. Clearly she had a long day, probably running around playing with Gage. Who knew what those two do, they are always running around with each other.

 I sighed getting up out of the bed and making sure my sister was covered up and her pink handgun was on the nightstand beside her. As soon as I saw everything was in it's place I walked out of the room silently shutting the door behind me. I walked out onto the balcony seeing Shane and Jason sitting there with there guns in there hands and a spare shotgun and binoculars in between the two of them.

 "Hey." They said in unison, I went over to the corner and sat Indian style on the cool concrete. I listened as they talked about fishing and hunting for lord knows how long. As the sun starting rising Luke walked out onto the balcony with bed hair. "Well I'm going to bed don't wake me for food!" Jason said jogging inside."I'm going to wake Lenna." Shane said getting up and walking inside.

"Morning." Luke said breaking the silence between the two of us. "Morning." I said standing up. "Want to go to the river a bit earlier than noon?" I asked him. "Sure." he said. "I'm going to change and start making breakfast with Lenna. I'm sure Mike will come up here when he wakes." I told Luke walking to the door, but before  could go in he grabbed my arm and kissed me on the forehead.


 After Luke catching four fish a girl around 17 with blond hair and a boy about 19 with black hair started walking out of the woods. It looked as if the boy had a sledgehammer and that was there only weapon. But I could be wrong, I just hope these people were the nice kind, and not the cooky crazy kind.

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