Chapter 12

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We were both breathing heavily. My body was burning and all I felt was the need and want of the girl beneath me. I stared into her eyes. It looked exactly like the Atlantic. perfectly blue, as if you could drown Into them and suffocate.  She could take my soul at this moment, and I wouldn't care....

But I snapped out of my dreadful thoughts and came to.

I stood up without saying a word, and walked myself to the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it. I needed to be by myself, and there's nowhere else to go. This house is full of morons and I have no privacy.

As i slid down the door and sat on the floor I start hearing footsteps come closer to me then a knock coming right after it.

" Hey weds ? "

" Did I do anything to upset you or something ? " Enid asked

"  No "

" Then why did you just suddenly get up?" I thought we were having like a moment or something "

" I need to take a shower "

" but.."

" you can go back with your friends "

I stayed on the floor for a good ten minutes before getting back up, taking off my clothes, then finally stepping into the tube and turning on the cold water. The cold water drips down my skin as I let it run down my body. I just need to cool myself off.



I sigh and start walking back downstairs. What the hell was all that ? She gets me all hot and bothered to leave me hanging like that ?

I finally reached the bottom of the stairs and noticed that everyone was already back.
They were all in the living room sitting down on the couch watching TV while they ate some snacks. Then Yoko looks at me.


I was confused

" what ? "

" you look like someone beat the shit out off you" Bianca said

" oh that "  I say as I touch my neck

Yoko smiles " So I'm guessing a certain little goth girl did that?"

" Yeah, she was telling me that we're still doing this game and that I shouldn't let anyone else touch me. "

" She claimed you huh?  i think she must've hated seeing Ajax about to kiss you" she says

" talking about him, where is he ? " I asked

" he went to his room to rest since Wednesday punched the shit out of him . He got a black eye and we gave him an ice pack to make the swelling go back down"

" It's that bad ?"

" I think she actually went easy on him. I've seen her do worse and trust me it's not pretty " Xavier says as he picks at the bowl of popcorn he had on his lab 

" What were you even thinking? Flirting and almost letting Ajax kiss you ? Bianca asked

I walk around the couch and sit next to Yoko

" I don't know she's been so stubborn in this game and I guess I felt like nothing was  working so maybe getting her jealous would do "

" well it sure did something obviously"

" Wait, talking about the devil, where is she ? "

" Did  you girls actually finish that fast ?" Yoko laughed

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