Oggie boogie man

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I woke up to Erin J shaking me profusely. "Eh- wh- what?" I asked in a sleepy tone. "Bro, school starts in 30 minutes!" He yelled. My eyes shot open. It takes like 30 minutes to get to auntie's house from Aaron's place! Luckily for me, Auntie was waiting outside in her car. She also took everyone else (except for Aaron) "bye Aaron, cya later!" Mandy waved.

Once I got to auntie's house, she still had to drop off the others so she drove off. I ran inside and got ready quickly as Jessy. After, with every bit of energy I had, I ran to the bus stop, just in time. I sat next Chris and talked about yesterday. "Did you ever find out what Erin and Nevean were planning?" I asked. "Dude, did you not see? They went as zombies!" Chris informed me. It then clicked in my head on why they walked so weird, dragging their feet and everything.

"You looked nice in your suit." Chris randomly complemented. I turned a bit red. "Thanks dude." I said. "Psst, Jessy." A girl whispered from behind. I kneeled on the seat to look at the girl. "Why weren't you here for Halloween?" The girl, Melly asked. "Oh, I went to a party that lasted a long time!" I lied in my best girl voice.
"Oh, ok!"
"Why do you ask?"
"Amirissa wanted me to tell you something.."
"What is it?"
"I'll tell you once we get to school."

Great, now I wanted to know what it was! Ugh.

Once we got to the school, Melly nervously walked up to me. "What's up Melly?" I asked. "Jessy...the girls and I think Chris is gay." She exclaimed. Wow, so he's not an expert at hiding it. "P-pr-proof?" I asked. "He's been acting really close to this other boy, Rocky Fein."

Wow, guess I'm not too good at hiding it either. "Of course, it's probably not true but we want to prepare you just in case!"

I don't need to be prepared because I already know that he's gay. "Oh dear...yeah, I'll try to talk to him about it! Thanks Melly!" I smiled. Once she walked away I ran straight to Chris. I pressed my palms to his shoulders and shook him around.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah! Too much girl!" He yelped. "Dude you idiot!" I scolded.
"Bro, what do you mean? I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you!"
"Dude, they're figuring us out!"
"That we're gay!"
"Well what do we do?"
"I think it's just best to reveal yourself!"
"Rock, you already got the lists!"
"Im still not finished!"

We stood there in silence until I finally calmed down. "What do you want to do that makes this plan..finished?" He asked. "I don't know!"
"How do you not know?"
"I just— I just don't know!"

Soon enough, class started so I had to be separated from him. "Try outs for the musical 'a nightmare before Christmas' will be today and tomorrow from 11 am-12 am." The announcements spoke. Once recess came, I went up to Chris. "Sorry about earlier.." I apologized. "Eh, it's fine."

"Hey, where's Aaron?" Mandy worried. "Actually, I don't know.." Chris said. "Maybe chubs is finally working out to impress Mandy!" Erin J joked, Chris nudged him. "What? I thought it was funny!"

Chris: "Maybe something happened...like, something bad."

Mandy: "don't jinx it!"

Erin: "how come you're so worried? Do you like.. have a crush on him?"

Mandy: "shut it! I just wanted to know where he is.."

Just then, Aaron came walking out of the school for recess with some other kids. "Aaron!" Mandy joyfully yelled while making her way to him. "Where were you?" She asked. "Oh, sorry I didn't tell you guys. I was trying out for the musical!" Aaron explained.

Aaron always secretly enjoyed singing and acting. Although he never speaks of it, whenever he gets the chance to, he'll do it right. "Who did you try out for?" I asked. "Jack and the oogie boogie man." He exclaimed happily.

"Big chance you'll get the oogie boogie man with that body." Erin J muttered. Aaron chuckled at the back handed compliment. "As long as I get to sing."

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