3- The Infamous Bell Test and How Team Seven is Adept at Blackmail

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Kakashi watched his temporary charges as they shared words with only a look and a twitch of their eyebrows. If they were communicating with such subtle cues, then why were they labeled as hating one another in the Academy? They obviously knew one another better than most people. He had found them all cuddled up in Sasuke's bed, after all. Without proper experience in non-verbal communication, it was almost impossible to get a point across, let alone clearly and detailed. These three were adept at it.

They were hiding something, Kakashi didn't know what, and he didn't like not knowing.

Naruto glared at Sasuke for something he had apparently suggested silently but Sakura gave him a look that made him stop. She had also made some sort of point. Her eyes met Kakashi's for a brief moment before darting back to Naruto. They all came to a silent agreement as Sakura slowly backed away a bit. Sasuke brought his hands into the sign for his Fireball Jutsu.

Kakashi pulled his orange book from a pouch in his vest. The only female glared at him before seeming to ignore him completely.

Sasuke finished the signs and took a deep breath, holding it for an excessive amount of time and releasing what seemed to be the most immense fireball Kakashi had ever seen. The Jonin furrowed his brow in confusion before quickly diving out of its range. The Uchiha shouldn't be able to make a fireball that big, no matter how hard he tried.

Naruto took the chance to make dozens of shadow clones. They swarmed the Hatake, throwing punches and reckless kicks. Unfortunately for the clones, Kakashi dispatched them with little effort.

When the cloud of smoke from the last clone dispersed, Kakashi noticed a distinct lack of slightly less colorful than before genin.

He sent a small burst of chakra to feel around the area and caught the faintest hint of Naruto's large reserves on the edge of the field by the trees. Kakashi discreetly looked over and caught a glimpse of pink, yellow, and blue. So they were smart enough to work together, but were they strong enough to pull their plans off?

The Hatake concentrated Chakra into his ears, enhancing his hearing significantly.

"No, Sasuke. We are not killing him." Sasuke glared at his female teammate.

"What do you suggest we do then, oh Wise One?" Sasuke rebutted, "I was just throwing ideas around. We didn't exactly plan anything to do last night." Kakashi raised a brow. So they were open to admitting they were together the night before. Interesting.

"How about this," Naruto piped in, "We surprise him so well that he loses his concentration on both us and his stupid porn."

"And how would we even begin to go about that, Naruto?"

"Easy. We tell him some secret that only he would know." Kakashi tilted his head. What could the blonde possibly know about him? He was like a protected vault.

"And that would be?" Sasuke asked.

"What about mentioning that little beauty mark he has on his chin?" that grabbed the Jonins' full attention.

Kakashi lowered his book in shock, not going unnoticed by the observant Uchiha. Sasuke shot Sakura a meaningful look, and the pink-haired girl screamed.

Kakashi dropped his book in pain, the orange cover stirring up the dirt on the ground. The Chakra retreated from Kakashi's ears as quickly as he could manipulate it, his hands pushing hard over his vulnerable ears. His eyes screwed shut in pain as he tried to reduce the tinnitus in his head.

Naruto took advantage of Kakashi's distraction, silently hopping toward the pained man and taking off in a sprint. Sakura followed, completely masking her Chakra. With Kakashis' eyes closed and ears covered, he didn't notice her at all, even if he could sense Naruto.

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