7- Sakura's Parents Suck and Shikamaru is Scary

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As the sun peaked over the horizon, Sakura sneaked back into her room through the window. She wasn't happy to have to do this, but it had been too long since her parents had actually seen her.

She undressed and took a fast shower, forgoing the floral-scented shampoo, using a scentless, shinobi-grade brand that she had stolen from Sasuke instead. He was rich. He could always buy more.

The pinkette could smell bacon cooking downstairs as she got dressed. Her mother was always an early riser, it was where Sakura got it from. The stairs were creaky, but Sakura didn't bother trying to hide. Her mother would be upset if Sakura startled her.

"Good morning, Mom." The blonde woman turned around with a slightly strained smile.

"Good morning, dear. I haven't seen you lately." Sakura's mother turned her attention back to the breakfast she was cooking. Sakura nodded, even though the woman could not see her.

"I've been busy with my team. We figured out a schedule yesterday." Sakura busied herself by setting the table for her mother.

"Oh, well, that's good. What all are you going to be doing?"

"I'm going to study Medical Ninjutsu." Sakura watched as her mothers' shoulders slumped with relief. "And probably Taijutsu as well. Sensei found someone who can help me with that much better than he can."

Mebuki Haruno tensed her shoulders once again and turned from the stove to her daughter with her hands placed on her hips. "If you're going to be a Medical Ninja, why do you need to learn how to fight?"

Sakura almost sighed. "I'm going to be on the frontlines. You can't be a frontline medic if you don't know how to fight, Mom." Sakura could tell that her mother was getting angry. Their shared temper had always clashed when they got into arguments.

"I thought medics were kept behind the frontlines. They're the most protected Shinobi. That's why I agreed to let you go to the Academy in the first place!"

"They're also the most targeted! The only reason you let me join the Academy was because you thought I would drop out. When I didn't, you thought I would at least score a husband out of it!" Sakura shouted. She hated it when they argued, but she hated it more when her mother insulted her dreams.

"You're lucky I don't pull you out of this nonsense right this second, young lady!" the older Haruno shouted back.

"You can't anymore, Mom! I'm an adult in the eyes of the village! There is nothing you can do!"

"Why are you shouting at your mother?" Sakura gasped as a deep voice echoed from behind her. She hadn't thought that her father would wake.

Sakura's father was a burly, intimidating man even despite his unfortunate hair color. He was more calm and a lot more patient than his wife and daughter but more often than not, he would side with his wife.

"Sakura has decided she wants to pursue her silly career choice completely and become a frontline fighter!" Her mother glared at her, no longer worried about cooking their breakfast.

"Well, you heard her, she's an adult now. If she wants to go out and get herself killed, then so be it. Those three boys on her team can decide if she's adult enough too, seeing as she's so independent."

Sakura's mouth just about fell open. Was her father insinuating what she thought he was? "Excuse me?"

The man looked at her with bored eyes. "Since you're so grown up, you can make your own decisions. Maybe this way, you can move up through the ranks."

"How dare you?" Sakura asked, astonished. Her father narrowed his eyes. "How dare you say that to me? I'm your daughter!"

"And you're an adult. Which means you will be treated as such in this household." the pink-haired man placed his hands down on the table in front of him, palms flat. "As long as you live under this roof, you will act as if you are a civilized human being. That means you do not yell at your mother, and you will do as we say, adult or not."

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