Chapter 5 ( New life)

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After Funmi bade her new friend goodbye, she struggled with her load, as she was struggling she didn't realize that a huge stone was ahead, she tripped and fell flat on her face with her utensils spilling out on the ground, as she was still struggling to get up, she saw that someone was helping pick up her stuff, on a closer look she realized that it was a lady, a very beautiful one at that, with her smooth caramel skin, button nose, does eyes and a kind of small but cute lips, she stood up still embarrassed and moved to the lady, and then she asked for her name and the girl her name was Fisayo, they finished packing and then she asked for her room number and as fate would have they both discovered that they were going to be roommates for the next one year.

Fisayo took her new friend to the portals( the people who are in charge of hostel maintenance) in order to register and confirm her as a member of the hostel, Funmi finished with the stressful registration due to the long queue, and then proceeded to the hostel,she was shown her bed by her friend because they were all given a bed number

As Funmi entered the room, she was met by 3 pair of curious eyes staring at her, there an awkward silence ensued but when Fisayo entered the room with load it then dawn on her that she was their new roomie( a slang used by people who live in the same room, also know as roommate), they all introduced themselves.

The first lady introduced herself as chisom who was studying guidance and counselling and the finalist in the room, the second one was Aminah who was in her penultimate year studying English education, then there is Faridah who was a fresher just like Funmi but she was studying Chemistry, then her friend Fisayo a year ahead and also in the same department with her friend Funmi who was given Social studies Education to study,it then dawned on Funmi that her life is about to change as she will learn to live with people she never met in her life, who are from different states and are also of different religions.

Funmi with the help of Fisayo quickly settled in as she unpacked her load, though she was tired but she decided to unpack in order to be able to have a long nap as she was tired from her journey, Funmi quickly finished packing, made her bed and lied down, but then sleep refused to come as she was scared and nervous about how school life will be, and she was dozing off her phone rang but it was a strange number but then she went ahead to pick up, it was she heard the voice that it dawned on her that it Akeem, he asked her about setting in and the requested that they meet at night, immediately she dropped the call, she fell asleep.

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