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Warning; Might be cussing and will be mentioning of drugs and alcohol...👍

Denise's pov:

I was sitting in the cirkle with all of the other dancers while stretching. "Are you guys ready?" Sophie asked.

(Btw this is what Sophie looks like

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(Btw this is what Sophie looks like. A lil bonus, she is 17yo, you'll see where her age matters later😉)

Today was the day that we were going to find out who we were going to babysit. Everyone was so excited!

"Yeeessss" everyone cheered. "Okay I'll take one phone out of the phone box. The persons phone that I hold in my hand will say; thats mine! And then I'll read the name of the kid you are gonna babysit and when, alr?" Sophie explained. "And other information will get to you tomorrow" she added.

Sophie was litterally the best dance- and orphan teacher. She was also the one that helped me when I was at my lowest.. But I don't wanna talk about that...

Anywaysss back to present.

"First phone..." she said. "This one!". "Thats mine!!" Stephanie said jumping up like crazy.

Steph was quite new here. Her parents were alcoholics when she lived with them. But they got arrested after child abusing and habits of drugs almost 2 months ago.

"Stephanie the kid you will babysit first in TheOrphanBabysitters is gonna be.....Matthew Wilson. That will be on thursday" Sophie said to her.

Stephanie was so excited. "Oh em gee I'm so excited!!" See? Thats what I just told you.

"Okay next is.....this." Soph said. "Mine" Olivia said.

She is one of the bitches in the B.O.L.B.W.S. I think It's the best if I keep it a sectret to you what it means🫣.

"You'll babysit Gina Arthursburg on Wednesday" she says. Olivia went to grab her phone and got back to stretching.

"This phone belong tooo....?", "Me!" Anastasia said jumping up runing to her phone. "Okay 'Sophie said giggling' you'll babysit Tom Willy Barusdug on Wednesday to!" She said to Anastasia who was so happy.

While everyone got their phone and info, I was just sitting there hoping for my kid not to be too much.

"Lastly, this!" She said holding my phone up in the air. "Oh that is my phone!" I said sassy walking up to her. I like sassy thing.

(hell no that sounded real wierd, I ment when you talk sassy, stop having fucked minds y'all)

"Okay you will be babysitting....wait.. oh yes you will babysit Daelo Jin Walton on Friday to Sunday" she said smiling.

Adopted By BloodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora