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"All right, settle down, everyone. Settle down" Tug spoke against laughter. All of the bears sat around each other with a warm smiles, Tug sat at the center of a spread out circle, Kenai laid Tug beside with (Y/n) laying on his side, while Koda sat down next to them.

Tug notices something, "Hey, don't throw your fish bones there. Somebody could choke on that" He says with a headless fish in his paws, they were starting the game.

"Look, okay, I'll go first" Tug says, "Okay, let's see. The most interesting thing that happened to me this year. Hmm..." He mutters under his breath rubbing his neck thinking.

"Oh, I know, I know. I know! Listen to this. It was when I finally knocked down that tree that was blocking the view from my cave" He says with a proud smile. "Now I got a family of chipmunks staying in my place." He adds as he waves off and laughs with the other bears. Tug looks over to a family of four chipmunks who glare at him angrily. Their glare causes Tug to clear his throat, "Yeah... All right, all right everybody, let me see some paws in the air. Who's gonna be? Come on." All the bear's besides Kenai raises their paws'.

"Tug, I got one!" A cub shouts.

Tug smiles, preparing to throw the fish, over to a small crowd, "Watch me. Hey, gotcha" Tug laughs and tosses the fish to an old female bear.

The old bear stood on her hind legs and hugged the fish. "This year I lost my dear husband Edgar" She says sadly with her eyes shut.

A voice tells out, "Quit telling everyone I'm dead!" Bears turn their heads back hearing the outburst, the old females' eyes opened as she looks up to the sky, "Sometimes I can still hear his voice." She continues.

(Y/n) shakes her head, Koda smiles excitedly getting ready to catch the fish, "I'm getting the next one."

She then tosses the fish over to a purple-ish old male bear with eye bags, he growls before shouting what seems to be gibberish, but in reality he said, "I almost froze while I was crossing a huge icy passage. It was something I only barely survived. BARELY!"

Everyone looks at him confused with the language he just spoke, he laughs wheezing. The bears nodded cluelessly with a forced grin, as he cackled out, tumbling onto the ground and he throws the fish in the air.

Koda chases the fish in the air, "This is it. I got it. I got..." The crowd awes seeing Koda fall trying to jump for the fish but misses the catch. The fish lands right next to him but someone else picks it up.

"I guess it's our turn" a male caramel bear said with a smug smile next to him was a velvet female bear, the male spoke, "This is the year I met the most gorgeous—"

"—No, you're gorgeous" The velvet bear says as she rubs her head against his neck, she backs away with her eyes half-litted he does the same with a smile, "You're gorgeous-er" he says.

"Get a cave!" Tug shouts.

The purple-ish bear groans, speaking, "These two are going to make me sick."

"If only Edgar was alive..." the old female spoke holding her paws, her eyes opened hearing his voice, "I told you, woman, I'm right here!"

"I love you, buttercup" The caramel bear smiles going in for a hug but ends up taking them both onto the ground, throwing the fish away.

"This has got to be it!" Koda shouts jumping up for the fish but misses and instead Kenai ends up catching it sitting down. Kenai smiles, "Here you go, Koda."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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