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Alice's pov..
"So are you ready for tomorrow " Meghan asked me ."not really I'm a bit nervous like it's the first time I'm going to interview for a really big job " I said being a bit nervous .. "yeah I can understand I was nervous too but dont worry it's not that you know scary how it looks like they will ask you general and normal questions " " I hope I get this job if not I have to go back to Florida...there is no way I'll be able to pay my Bill's here in nyc" I said with a little sigh ..
"Omg alice dont worry everything will be all right I believe in you just be confident and and show them that you are the one they are searching for.." Meghan assured me..
"Thanks meg" I said ...
"It's already 7 I think we need to have dinner and then go to bed I have to go early tomorrow "..." yeah I guess.." we had dinner and meghan went to her room and I to mine. I was so scared for the interview because this was my only chance to have a better life if not I had to go back to Florida and work in some cafe and live a mediocre life and I dont want that... I came to nyc almost a year ago and I only knew Meghan here as she was from my town and I became her roommate..I'm so thankful for her and she also helped me find a temporary job so that I can help her in the rent and stuff...she is more than a friend to me...
After going to bed and setting the alarm for 5am in the morning I slowly fell asleep..

*In the morning*
I woke up and went for a walk...and while I was in the park I was constantly thinking about the interview...and then I decided to not think about it and be relaxed..
I got back home and it was almost 7 am I went to Meghan and woke her up , prepared the breakfast and went to shower ...
"Alice I'm leaving " meghan shouted from the Livingroom " why so early" I yelled back..
"I need yo pick up Reann and Dave and also need to grab some coffee on the way.."
"K fine drive safe " ..I yelled..
" all the best for today" Meghan said back..
"Thanks"..I said
After getting dressed I had my breakfast and drove to the building where I had my interview....before getting out o took a deep breath and then got out of my car...
Almost after 10 mins my name was called
" Hi myself Alice" I said confidently but a bit nervous inside...
"Nice to meet you Alice I'm Robert the producer and this is Lucy the chief editor here in genius " the man said..
" nice to meet you too" I said "come have a seat " Lucy said with a smile on her face ...actually it was not as scary by far I mean they seem pretty chill ....
"So tell me something about yourself and why are you willing to work here in genius ..?" Said Robert with a comforting smile I started to answer their questions and the interview was pretty chill and I had a gut feeling of me getting the job...

The interview was over and i drove to Starbucks to get some coffee and then to chipotle to get some burritos for the lunch as it was already 1 pm..
I was home by atleast 2 pm and saw meghan on the couch with her laptop on her lap...
"You home so early" I said placing bags on the kitchen island..
"Yeah I wasn't feeling it today so I asked a work from home ...btw how was it ...?"
" it was pretty good I think i might get this one.."
"Good...btw did you bring something for me I'm hungry as fuck.."
" yeah I did"
"Thanks Alice atleast I will not die out of starvation "
We had our lunch and I did some chores around the house...
"When are you going to get your email" said meghan..
"Idk maybe by Saturday " I sighed..
"Cool and If you get this job Saturday party is on you" she said " fine " I giggled...

"Meghan I'm so scared" " dont be I know this job is yours" she comforted me..
"Omg its here the mail..." I said nervously..
"Open it alice" she squeals..
" omg no way no fucking way.....MEGHAN..." I said freaking out ...
" what is it ...alice did you get in..?"

"Meghan I got it ...I cant believe it..."
"You did it love you made it..." she squeals..
"Omg I need to join frm monday..I'm so excited man I'm so happy.

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