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Idk why but I was a bit scared to go back and tbh I didn't wanna go back because I was blaming myself for what happened I would never be able to face Houston and Collins again....I stopped mid way and took a deep breath composed myself and gathered the courage to go back to the beach house...
I slowly opened the door and saw luggage packed as if everyone was ready to go back
"why are all suitcases here" I asked confused "actually we are all leaving I mean there is no point left in staying back in Hawaii " said collins bringing another bag out of his room.. " but why we can sort things out " I said " oh c'mon Alice do you really think things are going to go back" said Collins with a sarcastic laugh..then reann grabbed the bags and dave too and they three left to the airport..I didn't knew what to do I just bursted into tears " it's ok alice they are such kids " it's all my fault meg..its all my fault " met pulled me into a hug and we both were very emotional " wait where is Houston?" I asked " he left last night after everybody slept and he called me in the morning to tell not to worry about him " .....meghan helped me calm down and after that I went to get cleaned up..

Grayson POV
I was back at my beach house and idk how to feel about what happened last night...
I was happy in a way but also sad because alice had to go through all this...I really like but I don't really know if it's good for me or not like going on a trip falling in love feels good in movies...anyway I was happy as to I got to make a new friend who I like..." hey bro wanna go out for breakfast..?" I asked Ethan " yeah sure" i got a shower and me and ethan were about to leave for the breakfast " hey bro imma need to pee real quick I'll be back" said ethan..he ran back to the nearest Bush to pee and I stood there waiting for him ...then I thought why not invite alice and her friends over breakfast.." let's go " said ethan coming back " bro I made a friend here and I wanted her and some of her friends to come over for breakfast what do you think" I asked he paused for a sec " HER friends..?" He asked " yeah her name is alice and she is Pretty cute I met her yesterday night when I was at the beach" I said he thought for a sec " bro I'm afraid but no we cant do it like the whole purpose off being off the grid was to have some alone self time and we probably dont know who they are were are they frm...probably they could be some stalker or some shit..." he said ..I did not say a word and started to walk with him....I'm sure alice was a pretty genuine girl but what if she is just a stalker...after thinking a bit we were at the breakfast place..." hi what can I get for you" asked the lady "hi can I get a bowl of Spanish rice with some eggs" said ethan  "make it 2" I say...we are our breakfast and we headed to our new adventure place...

Alice's POV
After having a shower and eating something the only thing I did was to try to talk to Houston and he wouldn't pick up my phone then after trying to call him for about 20 times I decided to take a small nap...
It was almost 5 PM idk how I slept so long I look at my phone expecting to have a call or a text from Houston but infact there was a text from collins..
*On text*
"Hey alice it's been so long no calls or text frm you..is everything ok ...we are all waiting for you to come back to work its pretty boring without you...anyway see you soon enjoy your trip..." as I read it a smile plastered on my face..." hey tyler wanna go out for dinner" meg asked me.." yeah sure" I said we got ready and went to the nearest place to have dinner
*at dinner*
" hey Meghan i- i wanna tell you something" I said in hesitation "alice is everything ok are you fine" she said a bit scared "yeah I'm fine I'm just wanting to go back to nyc as soon as possible" I say "but why alice atleast we can enjoy this trip" said meg
"Yeah I know but the whole purpose was to go on adventure with everyone not being alone and sad on a hawaii trip" I say " ok I understand we can leave tomorrow if you want" " um not tomorrow maybe day after tomorrow will be good" then we discussed some stuff and went back to the beach house....
I was tryna sleep but couldn't cause I slept in the afternoon so I decided to go back to the beach like the other night....I grabbed my diary and headed off to the beach...

Grayson POV
I couldn't sleep the only thing playing back in my mind was the thing ethan said of alice just being a stalker I mean he could be right but who knows I decided to go to the beach just to clear my mind..
While walking I saw alice sitting with her diary on the beach...I got closer to her.."hey hii alice nice to see you again" i said she looked over from her diary " oh grayson hii" she said with a smile on her face.." is everything fine like your friends and stuff..like you are back on the beach with your diary " I asked " umm actually they all left and only meg and I stood back" she said a bit sad " umm I'm so sorry" I said " no dont be" she said with a sad smile on a face " and me and Meghan are leaving too" she said " umm why weren't you here to enjoy? " I asked..."but the whole purpose was to be with ppl i love and now they are all gone ...they are gone grayson " she said with a tear rolling down her eyes...
I sat beside her for a bit until she was no more crying..." can I ask you something?" I asked q bit nervous I know it would be hard but you know I went for it "yeah " she said
" do you really not know who me and my brother are or like are you just like umm you know-" " wait a minute grayson wdym? Wait are you thinking I'm some stalker or some shit" she said with a sad look with eyes full of tears.." no I didn't mean-" " I know what you mean grayson I know and btw I never knew who you were until you told me ..I was not the one who approached you to talk to me ..you were the one who proposed this friendship grayson how could you even think that " she said cutting me off "alice listen" I said
" I dont want to I'm going through a lot and you accusing me of being a random stalker is too much grayson I'm sorry"  she said and walked off the beach I tried to call her name but she never turned back....how can i be so dumb i know she is going through a lot and she has just lost her bestfriends how could I do that to her I mean I knew she was genuine but idk why I did that....
I looked down and saw her diary lying..she forgot her diary...I mean it's not good to read someone's diary I took it and was about to close it and saw my name written on one of the pages...I opened it and started reading

             Hey diary yesterday was a pretty scary day as there is a lot of shit happened..i mean Houstons birthday didn't go as planned and I was so devastated by what all happened yesterday but something good happend to I made a new friend his name Is grayson and he says he is a youtuber he has a channel with his twin brother and has 10 mil subscribers idk if that's true but that's what he told me ..I mean he seems to be a pretty genuine guy and I'm also good friends with him now actually I met him before at the açaì shop but didnt notice him at first cause I was so messed up in my mind but he is a pretty good guy ....and something more happened today I got a text from corbin saying he and everyone at work missed me tbh I'm very excited to meet corbin it's not like I have a thing for him but like you never know...I like being around him and I'm currently sitting on the beach alone and yeah that's all for today.....
As I read all of that sadnesstook over me and I was so angry at myself..she was not a stalker she was not lying about not knowing me I'm so stupid I need to apologize to her I fucked everything up...
I went back to the beach house
" what happened bro...gray answer me" said ethan being a bit worried.." I fucked up bro I really did I mean she was not a stalker she was genuin and honest about not knowing me" I said " what are you talking about gray" he asks " alice was not a stalker she literally was here to celebrate her friends birthday...I tried to confront her if she was a stalker and pretending to not to know me and stuff " I said "but why would you do that grayson " asked Ethan " in the morning when I asked to take her friends on breakfast you were the one said what if she was a stalker and  I wanted to know if it was it cause you know we have been in the same situation and tbh I really like her so I just wanted to be sure" I said " it's ok grayson forget it if you were to be a thing you will be it's all on fate now go and take some rest...I went to my room and while laying on my bed the only thing going through my mind was what if she never wanna see me again or talk to me...and while thinking all this stuff I slowly drifted into my sleep.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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