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*later that night*
We were all gonna go clubbing but then we dropped the plan and decided to go on dinner with all our friends...
"Alice how long will you take ..ugh god" she yelled from the hallway barging into my room..."just a sec meg I dropped my ring here in this crack of this dresser and i cant reach it now" i said pointing towards the crack..."wait leme see ...ugh pass me that brush" she put the brush handle into the crack and pulled it out..." here you go" said meghan.."ok thanks now i guess we need to go" i said sliding the ring into my finger and looking at myself in the mirror before switching off the lights....
"Whose car are we taking" I asked "ofcourse not mine" she giggled " fine " I said grabbing my keys ....
On our way to the restaurant my phone buzzes.. " hey meg just see who it is" she grabs my phone and starts to talk.." hey Houston ...." oh it was Houston then there was a long series of 'hmmms' 'yeahs' and 'yeses'...and she hangs up..
"What did he say" I asked a bit confused..
"Umm his stomach is a bit upset so he will not be able to join us at dinner"..
"Oh okay no problem " I shrugged and the rest of the car ride we were just gossiping and jamming over some random songs...

*at dinner*
"Congratulations dear I'm so happy for you Girley " said reann as she jumped out of her chair and hugged me tight..
"Nice to meet you to reann" said meg ..
Everyone laughed...
" Oh hi Dave and Collins hows it going.."
" Nothing much just the same routine life as before " said dave ...
As we placed our orders dave said "oh did yall not ask Houston to come"
"Actually we did but he said he had an upset stomach so he couldn't join".. said meg..
"Yeah I really wanted him to come I've not seen him in months "...I said..
Soon our food arrived and something just clicked in my mind ...
" hey guys its Houston's 22nd birthday next mont why dont we throw a birthday party for him.."
"That's a cool idea" said Collins.
"But how are we going to plan things like it's only a month left for his birthday and if we want to have a grand party we atleast need 2 months to work on it " said reann..
" hey we are here to celebrate Tyler's new job let's focus on it first.." said dave...
"Yeah I guess" said meg ..
"But guys it's only a month left and Houston is our friend he never had an actual party for his birthday... I guess we need to make this birthday of his the best birthday of his life.. "I said..
"Ok so what do you want us to do" said meg ..
"I mean we can't plan a grand party with hundreds of ppl but we all could go on a trip..type thingy  what do you guys say".. I said in excitement..
"Yeah I guess" reann and Collins said in unison ..
While having dinner we planned on going to Hawaii all six of us and pretend that we were just on a holiday and not a surprise birthday trip and surprise Houston on his birthday by planning a small party in hawaii...

Next morning I was to go shopping with meg for my job I cant go on the first day of my job looking homeless...
We were all over the store and were grabbing stuff like there was no tomorrow...
We were all done shopping and were back home and had dinner while planning a bit more for Houston's birthday...
"Oh god Alice wake tf up you dont wanna get in trouble for being late on the first day of your job NY traffic is no joke" she yelled as she pulled my cozy blanket away...
"What time it is " i said in that morning voice..
"Girl it's already 8:32 and if you dont wake up in 5 you are going to be in a lot of trouble ".....
I ran to my bathroom had my shower did my makeup got dressed was ready to slay the first day at my new job at the genius office...

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