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*Monday *
" meg come here real quick..." I tell frm my room " what" she yelled back....I heard footsteps to my room...."what do you want " she said annoyed .." o need your help in choosing my outfit ".. I said " oh Alice wear whatever everything looks good on you" "c'mon just choose one " " ok wear this " she said holding up the sunflower printed one piece and the brown blazer..."k thanks"
I said giggling..."yeah whatever " she said drooling her eyes and sprinting out of my room to the kitchen where she had her bowl of cereal which was soggy by now....
I got ready did my hair and went to the kitchen ..."umm what's for breakfast " I asked while searching through the cabinets.. " want avocado toast..?" " umm sure ..btw have you seen my metal straw thingy " "yeah it's with me" "I guess I get coffee on my way"
*at the coffeeshop*
"Hey alice what can I get for you today" cory said.."as usual my iced late with almond milk" after almost 2 mins "here you go" "thanks corey" I said and rushed to my car " omfg this traffic is literally no joke " I said in anger I had some road rage today...
"Ok tyler stay calm stay calm" I said to myself and jammed to some bruno mars...
I got out of my car and was soon on my desk working....it was almost 1 pm..."hey hii" I heard a voice behind my back..." hey" I said turning back at a strong manly voice
"You are new here ..?..btw I'm corbin" he said with a soft smile..." yeah I am I'm Alice"
"Nice to meet you alice "he said tbh he was very handsome and his blue eyes were to die for "hey why dont you come with me I'll introduce you to my friends here come" "yeah fine " I stood up and walked behind him " hey guys this is alice she is new here" he said looking to a bunch of ppl.. " so tyler this is aubrey, ruth, Jack, Ross and phill.." he said to me pointing to each one of them.." hi nice to meet you guys" nice to meet you too alice " said aubrey..did talk for a bit and then I went back to my desk as it was my first day and I dont want to create an image of me being a chatterbox...I did some work and then heard ruth behind me " um Alice it's almost 5 we are all leaving wanna come hang out " "sorry ruth not today maybe later actually my friend is waiting for me ..I need to go bye" I said leaving the office...
*at home *
"So how was your day" asked Meghan "it was cool I met some good ppl and everyone seems pretty friendly and chill..."
" actually reann called me and asked if we could meet up to plan the trip..." said meg
"Yeah sure " I said stuffing a crosson in my mouth..
*at the cafe*
"so when are we planning to leave " asked Collins " his birthday is on 23th so we atleast need to be there until 21so we can plan everything and then we can just explore and 27 we can be back." I said " "that sounds very appealing to me" said dave....
We planned out everything and we were about to leave only then "I need to use the washroom I'll be back in a minute" said reann..we waited for her and then " um I also need to go pee I'll be back real quick " said collins... no doubt Collins and reann liked each other we all knew that but they dont know that we know....
After a few minutes they both returned and Meghan smirked at reann and she blushed....
*at home*
" I'm tired man I guess I need to take a work frm home tomorrow as well " said meg almost asleep on the couch "as you wish " I said and went back to my room to sleep....

Days passed and office was pretty good and fun like I made new friends and my boss was also very nice .she always helped me and supported everyone....

*a month later*
"Hey alice wanna go hangout after work" asked corbin.." yeah sure lemme just tell meg I'll be late today" I said...
After work we went down to Corbin car and I sat on the passenger seat...
"So where do you wanna go..?"
"You choose I'm fine with anything"
" okay so how about some açaì "
"Odd but cool let's go"
We went to the nearest shop and had some açaì bowl and like had a chat about our lives and everything "so you're frm Florida " Corbin said " yeah " I said being a bit shy...so actually corbin stuart was frm NYC itself and lives on his own here from the age of 18 his parents flew back to Arizona with his grandparents and he decided to stay back he has many friends loves to party and is a pretty decent guy he has had a girlfriend in the past but it didnt workout between him so they broke up 8 months ago...that's all I know about him...I told him about me and he dropped me off at my apartment....
Next morning I uber to my office and the day was as usual....and I was loving being with corbin and his friends...tbh I think I was catching feelings for corbin...

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