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We were doing some last min preps and it was almost 11:45 and I got a call from dave " hey bro what do o do he is wanting to come back and there is almost 15 mins left" " ok just wander around for 15 and then as its 12 AM bring him to the door ok?" I said " okay" he said whispering...and finally it was 12 am and we all hid and shut the house lights...as we all heard the door open we all jumped and wished Houston happy birthday he was almost in tears... "thanks guys" he said "dont thank us thank alice she was the one who got us here and planned all this stuff " said collins... Houston came and hugged me and I was getting emotional " thanks Alice " he said crying " oh dont cry you will make me cry too" " you are already crying" said reann we all laughed...then dave set up the cake and some beer cans and we all cut the cake and had some beer except me and meg cause we dont drink..."hey let's dance" said dave turning on loud music ..." hey turn it down there are other ppl here too" said meg " oh c'mon they are all here to enjoy and it's my buddy's birthday meg" ...everyone danced and they were all pretty wasted and so was reann ..collins and reann danced and  Houston just was glaring at her....idk but I was feeling that he was pretty uncomfortable seeing reann with Collins..everytime they were together Houston was a bit grumpy...

Grayson POV
"Ethan I cant sleep bro" I said going into ethans room but he didnt reply as he was already asleep..idk he always was up until 3 but today he is asleep at 12...
I tried to go to bed and just close my eyes thinking i will soon fall asleep but no i was wrong some ppl decided to blast music at 12 AM and not let me sleep...
" ok I give up now" I say to myself and put on some clothes and decided to go for a walk on the beach..pretty odd but at this point I didn't know what to do as I cant even go on social media....
It was pretty cool at the beach and there was ample moonlight and it was so beautiful..the only thing which was not letting me sleep was ...yeah you guessed it alice it was her who was playing in my mind and not letting me sleep ...this has never happened to me before and it was pretty umm idk..unexpected I guess...

Tyler's POV
As everyone was having fun I see Houston getting very close to reann and tbh that was unexpected reann tried to move away but Houston pull her back in.."hey wtf" yelled reann " whf bro what are you trying to do " yelled Collins too.." hey you stay away from it " said Houston in anger "what do you mean stay away she is my girl do you get that" " your girl ..? Haha in your dreams" said Houston in a sarcastic way...
I knew this was about to take a scary turn...
" hey guys stop you all are not in your right mind just leave it here" I say to both collins and Houston " yeah guys you need to stop" said dave...." wait how do you expect me to be shut when someone is trying to flirt with my girl " said collins grabbing Houston bu his shirt ..within a span of a sec they both were throwing punches at each other...
" guys stop why do you have to act like fucking 5 year old man grow tf up " I said crying cause I was pretty terrified of both Collins and Houston.... they both went to their respective rooms reann got Collins cleaned up and meg helped Houston...Well this didn't go as planned...
I tried to sleep but I couldn't sleep cause I was pretty traumatized by what all happened and whenever I'm sad or I'm feeling uncomfortable I just start writing idk what but I just doo..I was feeling pretty scared so I grabbed my diary and a shawl as it was pretty cold and went down to the beach...I found a place and there was enough moonlight for me to see what I was writing...I just cried and wrote down everything which I couldn't express myself...

Grayson POV
After almost 10 minutes of walking on the shore I saw somebody sitting on the beach and maybe they had a book and shawl wrapped around them...I did not bother to look but then something in me made me to go over them and look what's wrong...
Walking closer I could hear sniffing as if they were crying...
I got closer and saw it was a girl with a diary and she was writing about something and crying...why would someone be out on the beach at almost 1 AM and cry on the beach ...I decided to ask if she needed any help...
" excuse me are you ok" I said and she looked at me with watery eyes almost swollen

Alice's POV
I was writing and writing and herd somebody " excuse me are you ok?" I glanced at the person and i suddenly had a gut feeling that we have met before...
" umm yeah" I say... he was shocked to see me as if he saw a ghost and he just froze..
" hey are you ok? " I say back " umm yeah yeah I'm fine " he says a bit nervously...
" what are you doing here on the beach alone" he asked " why is it illegal for a girl to be alone on the beach at midnight " I say sternly " umm no" he says a bit confused " "I'm sorry I'm just not in a good mood " I say looking at my diary and tears rolling down my eyes " hey it's ok I mean it's ok to have bad days" he says with a smile " would you mind me asking something" "yeah sure" he says with a smile " have we ever met before"  he froze again like my question caught him off gaurd " probably " he said " I'm damn sure I've met you before" I say " yeah probably at the açaì shop..." omg yeah" I say getting up..." now can I ask you something if you dont mind" he says a bit nervous " hmm" I nodded " "what's wrong why are you alone on the beach at midnight and why are you crying "
He said a tear again escaped my eye and I couldn't control myself " hey hey it's ok if you dont want to" he said " actually we were here to celebrate my friend Houston's birthday party and he had no clue it was basically my plan to surprise him and as we were here to surprise him they all got drunk and Collins and Houston fought over reann and were throwing punches at each other and bleeding like hell idk how to process this this is all my fault I shouldn't have planned this trip" I say busting out again ..." hey its okay " he says and hugs me " I'm terrified" " I say crying " " no you didnt do anythingwrong" he said....I calmed down and we were sitting on the sand " btw I'm grayson " he said" I'm Alice nice to meet you grayson"
" nice to meet you too alice " he said " so do you wanna tell me something about you " he said " so basically I'm 20 and I'm originally from florida and I'm currently living in nyc with my friend Meghan she is so sweet and she helped me in every step of my life ...I currently work at an mnc and I'm a development partner at genius I have a younger brother named Aaron and ...that's all" I said " umm interesting " he said "what about you " I asked " soo I am 23 and I am basically from new Jersey and currently live in la with my twin brother ethan and we are youtubers and we create funny videos we also have a sister Cameron who is in college ..we moved here in la when we were 15 and now we are here in hawaii working on our next video" he said " so YouTube huh  how many subscribers do you have" I asked expecting the answer to be 500k or 600k " umm not much just 10 million " he said " what 10 million no way" I said in disbelief " yeah 10 mil" he repeats... we talked a bit more ..." umm gray umm I think I need to get going the sun is almost up." I say " okay I guess" he says ..I pulled my hand out to shake his hands " it was lovely talking to you grayson my new friend " I say he blushed" it was wonderful meeting you too alice my new friend too" he shook his hands and we giggled " no honesty thanks for helping me Express my feelings I'm an introvert and never usually share my feelings to anyone " I said " anytime alice" he said we hugged and I was walking slowly to my beach house then I herd grayson yelling my name " alice wait " he came running towards me " give me your phone " I gave him my phone he typed something " call me whenever you feel like talking " he said " thanks grayson " I say and walked back to my beach house... 

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