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Finally the day has come today we all were leaving for hawaii...we had a long flight and we were about to leave..."can u help me grab my suitcase out" asked reann.." "yeah sure" I said we all were set to go to the airport dave called the uber and we all were set to the airport " why did we plan to go to Hawaii out 9f the blue" asked Houston " it's good to have a break and go out and chill with ppl you love" said dave we all laughed
*at the airport *
Flight 339 to hawaii is all set to board passengersarr requested to move to the boarding area....was the announcement we all went through security and were in out flight
Meghan, me , and dave were on one side and reann, Collins and Houston were on the other side...idk why but I feel dave was feeling a bit uncomfortable " u ok dave.?" I asked ..he seemed to be in a deep thought and flinched a little when I asked him" umm yeah I'm fine" then he put his headphones and dozed into a sleep...
Soon we landed in hawaii and we all went to a beach house and it was fucking huge...
" so let's all get cleaned up and we can go out and adventure.." said meg..
Unfortunately there were only 3 bathrooms and all were occupied so I went into the balcony..." this is so beautiful meg" I say" ik I always choose the best " she said I rolled my eyes playfully at her..." omg look there are pigs here" Meghan said as she jumped in excitement "yeah it's so cute and look chickens " I say pointing at some chickens..
Then we spoke for a bit and went to have some shower...

*later that day*
"Guys are you ready" dave yelled " "yeah" we all yelled in unison ...we were about to go do some bonfire thing on the beach...
We all walked to the beach as it was only 5 min walk away ...

Ok so it's been a day since Ethan and I have landed in hawaii ..we were here to have a short break from out YT thing but we were documenting everything cause we were on a sort of challenge of being away from social media ...we were enjoying our day and our beach house was also beautiful and you know we also saw pigs and chickens....yesterday when we landed we didnt do much but today we were out surfing and just exploring.."hey gray wanna go cliff jumping " ethan said " yeah sure then we can have bonfire after that" "ok bro now come let's go he said" we went cliff jumping and it was pretty fun after that we were on the beach doing a bonfire and there were many couples and some group of friends also having a bonfire it was an amazing experience....
" hey Ethan bro I need to use tye washroom real quick I'll be back" I said and was walking on the beach and got closer to a group of friends they were probably 6 ppl and someone caught my eye...there was this cute girl with dark wavy hair and was having a shawl wrapped around her tiny body...tbh she was cute I passed them and ran to find the restroom...
After I came back the ppl were gone and tbh I took a long time ethan waved at me as if he was asking me to sprint over. I ran to him " wut bro? " I asked " nothing just were leaving" " oh okay " I said...

Alice's pov
We had a great time on the beach during the bonfire and there were many ppl at the beach idk why but i felt cold so I grabbed a shawl and wrapped it around my tiny body I say tiny cause I'm only 5'3..
" hey I'm going to bed I'm so tired" I said to dave " so is everyone else" he replied  and we all were sound asleep..
The next day we didnt do much just wandered around and tried to set up the secret party for Houston without him knowing... everything was set up and we were all excited about his birthday because that dumb fuck didnt suspect anything..

Grayson POV
The next day I got up early and tried to wake E up but he is a sleepy fuck he won't wake up so i decided to go to the beach all alone in the morning...
After the walk I came back to the beach house and made some vegan chocolate chips pancakes, eggs and chopped some fresh bananas for the breakfast...
We had our breakfast and then we went to a waterfall thing and it was amazing we had to walk a bit but it was worth it...
And on my way back I saw the same cute girl but this time she was with only one friend not the whole squad...she was walking towards me and was laughing and talking to I guess her friend or sister idk...
She passed right by me and my nose was filled with her fragrance and tbh I liked it...
She was constantly talking and I could hear her saying something about a surprise and also her voice was as cute as she was...
Luckily me and ethan were also going in the same direction so we were constantly walking behind her ...I felt like some stalker kind of shit but I couldnt resist myself..
They stopped at an açaì place and so did we what a coincidence....and now it was time to order ...I went ahead to order and so did she now we were standing right next to each other...we ordered our stuff...and the worker asked for the name " ma'am it'll be $12.60 and can I get a name .." " yeah sure its Alice " she said what a cute name and the worker asked me " sir it'll be $ 10.43 and can i get a name " i didnt even here and then she called me again i flinched a little " yeah grayson " i said ...soon we had our açaì bowls and alice smiled at me and we walked outside...
I was so busy watching her I didnt even pay attention to my surroundings and was about to bump in a guy standing right in front of me " watch out" herd and it was alice I composed myself and a small smile appeared on her face....god she was cute..
" bro come let's go " ethan said as we had many things planned for us and tbh I didn't wanna leave ..but you know..before leaving I glanced at alice who was still seated with her friend and was discussing something ...I grabbed my soda can and was off for a new adventure although I didnt really wanna leave cause you know maybe it was the last time I'm seeing her...
We did some jet skiing and I was so tired ..
" bro can we just go now the sun is almost down" I said to Ethan " now gray" he said " yeah I'm fucking tired bro and we have 4 more days" " I let's go back he said"..
We packed up our rental car as this beach was a bit far from our beach house and we were soon at our beach house ...it was almost 11PM and I couldn't sleep all I did was to think about alice ...

Alice's pov
Ok so everything was set up and it was almost 11pm and we were doing some last min preps and as it is 12 AM we will surprise Houston  ...
We were all able to set things up cause dave took Houston for a night idk motorcycle drive thing...whatever I was so excited so was everybody else ....

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