Rookie King Episode 5

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Chapter Summary: Things continue to get intense as BTS and Jen try to avoid the Skull Card. After the show, Jennie nurtures Jungkook back to health when he gets a stomach ache from his punishment in the End Plate.

Words: 2,000+


After the bowling game, BTS and Jennie gather around for the next Endplate.

'Endplate King/Queen'

With V as King for this round, the rest of the members gather around the table. Jennie sat in between Suga and Jimin.


'Break chopsticks with your buttocks.'

"UH UH!" Jennie shook her head in shock. "The heck!? The butt can't do that, can it!?" Her sudden outburst makes the boys laugh.

After getting situated, they all flip over their cards and Jimin manages to get the skull card. Jimin sits there in silence while everyone else whoops and celebrates.

"How?!" Jennie demanded as V presented the chopsticks that Jimin would have to break.

When Jimin attempted to break the chopsticks, he failed the first two attempts but ended out breaking the chopsticks on his third attempt.

Jennie 'Shocked' (I really didn't know the butt can do that. Can my butt do that?)


'A man/woman with flower'

"What's this supposed to be?" Jennie questioned. "V, I want an explanation before getting a card."

"We're choosing the cards first." V teased, ignoring her demands.

"EVIL!" She cried out while the guys around her laughed at her outburst.

"I hate this..." Rapmon threw his head back and chuckled.

"They really just want us to suffer..." Jen ran a hand through her hair, sighing.

Once everyone is distributed a card by Jimin, they flip them over to reveal J-Hope with the skull card.

J-Hope slaps the card on the table while everyone celebrates around him, fist pumping. After releasing his frustration, J-Hope lays his back on the table while V talks about how this penalty is good for the skin. V rubs his hands together with lotion and smacks J-Hope against the cheeks, making him yell out in pain. Then the rest follow suit.


'Men's/Woman's bitter life'

"I guess we're eating or drinking something bitter this time. Oh dear..." Jennie let out a nervous laugh.

"Shouldn't we prepare ourselves, first!?" Rap Monster begged.

Once they receive their cards, they flip them over to reveal Rap Monster with the skull card.

"HA!" Jen yelled

"This really isn't the day..." He sighed

Receiving a small cup of espresso that was imported from New York, Rapmon takes a sip and gags, freaking out as he stands up and quickly sits back down.

Smirking in amusement, Jennie played with her nails. "Yep...that was the reaction I was waiting for. It's gross, isn't it?"

"You drink this stuff in America!?" Rap Monster questions, gagging as he tries to get rid of the bitter taste in his mouth.

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