The job

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Dean and Sam Winchester are driving in Deans 1967 Chevy Impala to their next potential job. Shortly after entering the town, Dean has to stop because of a red light, they get narrowly passed by a speeding motorcycle, trying to make it before the traffic light switches to Red. "Whoa!" Dean and Sam shout, their bodies tense from the shock of the close call. "That thing almost hit us!" Dean exclaims then takes a deep breath, running his hands through his hair and over his face. After the light goes green, they drive off to their stay for the night, a shabby, old motel. Dean parks the Impala, and the brothers step out, stretching after the long drive. Sam glances at Dean, exhaling sharply. "That motorcycle was in a hurry." he remarks, still a bit shocked but mostly exhausted from the lengthy drive. "Yeah, almost became a hood ornament on Baby!" Dean replies with a frown. They grab their bags and head to the motels check-in counter.

The next morning Sam starts his research when Dean enters the room with a bacon cheeseburger in hand. "A cheeseburger Dean, really? It's 8 AM" "Hey, it's never too early for this beauty plus somewhere it is lunch time." he states with a shrug of his shoulders. "Did you at least bring me something? I'm starving." Dean just looks at Sam, his eyes slightly widening. Sam knows by the look on Dean's face, that he didn't. "Ugh forget it. I think I found something!" "Let me see." taking a big bite from his burger Dean sits down next to Sam, taking a look at what Sam is talking about. Sam gives Dean an annoyed look as he chews "What?" Dean says with his mouth full. Sam rolls his eyes at Dean's horrible eating manners, continuing to show him his finds. "Here, take a look at this. There has been six deaths and several people missing in this town and they were all last seen in this house." "All the bodies found were mutilated and their hearts were ripped out and half eaten?" Dean reads the article on Sam's Laptop out loud "Yeah, but that's not even the craziest part," Sam adds, scrolling further down the article, "they found the bodies hidden behind a mirror and their hearts were pinned to their faces with some kind of needle or sharpened Stick stabbed through their eyes, deep enough to penetrate their brains." Dean looks at Sam with a disgusted expression, setting down his burger. "Thanks, I think I'm gonna go throw up now" "No time for that, we gotta get going if we want to find out what that thing is before it kills another innocent person." Dean glances at Sam, then at his burger, picking it back up. Sam chuckles a bit, as he stands up and goes to grab his jacket. "Come on now, we're gonna be late" "Okay grumpy, chill out. We'll grab you something to eat on the way." "Shut up!" Getting up, Dean finishes his burger. Grabbing his leather jacket he joins Sam in the car.

After about 20 Minutes and a quick stop at a café, they arrive at the police station. Showing their FBI badges, they try to get more info from the local sheriff. "Officers, what can I do for you?" "We're here because of the murders." Dean says, asking if they made any progress in the cases. "Yes, we indeed have a suspect and a witness, confirming that he was there." "Sounds promising. May I ask who it is?" Sam inquires. "Of course" the sheriff responds with a nod, handing them the files. After both, talking to the suspect and the witness Sam and Dean are not a single step closer to the Monster "Well, that was a waste of time. How do they even consider him as a witness when his testimony doesn't make any sense?" Sam questions "No idea man but I guess we'll have to go to the house, hoping we find a clue about the creature we're dealing with."

Later that night, they arrive at the house where the murders took place. Grabbing some equipment from his trunk, Dean takes a look around the area. "Hey Dean, are you listening?" "What? Yeah sure". Turning back around to his car, Dean notices a small flash of light in the corner of his eye, coming from inside the house. He quickly lets Sam know by giving him a nod in that direction. Hurrying to get inside, they break through the old wooden door and rush up the stairs. "That's one shit hole." Dean exclaims, wandering his gaze through the room. The house is old and the stairs creak under their feet. There is almost no light in the house, as the windows are boarded up. The atmosphere is tense and the air thick, filled with dust and a musty odor. Reaching the end of the staircase they hear something breaking in one of the rooms right in front of them, prompting them to sprint up the stairs and break through the door. Dean entering the dark room first, to see a horrifying monster creeping up to a girl standing in front of a mirror with her eyes closed. "Watch out!" he screams, causing the monster to turn around, now chasing towards him. It has dry and wrinkly old skin, hanging down from his body, giving it a similar appearance to Jabba the Hutt, just less round. Its eyes are a muddy, orange hue but there is nothing in them. No emotions, no life, not even rage. Sam quickly stepping in front of Dean shoots rock salt at it, without success. Staring at each other, the brothers don't know what to do. "Hey, you ugly son of a bitch!" they hear someone shouting from behind the creature, the girl trying to get the monsters attention. The Monster turns to face the girl, changing its direction, when out of nowhere it disappears with a loud, eardrum-blasting scream.

"How did you do that? Hey! I'm talking to you!" Dean shouts, running after the girl "Yeah and I'm not answering you, if you didn't notice." "You know, a thanks would be nice, we just saved your life." finally turning around to face him, she gives Dean a death stare, her eyes narrowing with intense frustration and her lips tightly pressed together in annoyance. "Saved my life?! You probably just ruined my only chance to kill this thing! I finally had him, where I wanted him and you idiots just ruined it with your hero complex or whatever your problem is!" she calls out, frustration evident in the sharp movements of her hands slicing through the air as she speaks. Dean's brows furrow in slight offense, his jaw dropping in stunned silence as he processes her words, finally giving Sam the opportunity to speak. "Look, we're very sorry. We didn't know you had planned this, we thought it was about to kill you. I'm Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean." "Wait, Winchester like in John Winchester?" "Yeah, he's our dad" "Didn't know he raised idiots" she mutteres under her breath, "What?" Sam asks "Oh nothing." "How do you know our dad?" Dean asks with a hint of mistrust in his voice. "That's none of your business." "Oh I think it is!" Dean calls out, getting even more suspicious about this mysterious girl, claiming to know his dad. "It's a long story." "Good thing we have time." "Well, good for you but I don't. I have to redo my plan and get this thing killed after you ruined it!". Turning her back on them she was about to leave "We'll help you!" Sam suggests, giving Dean a look to play along. "I'm good thanks." "But we want to make up for ruining your plan." Dean insists with a smile, determined to find out more about this girl. "Still no. I only work alone!" Leaving, with the boys following her, she goes to a hidden spot behind the house and goes up to a motorcycle. "Wait, you're the one that almost hit us at the traffic light just to make it over!" Dean says reproachfully. "Yeah, does sound like something I would do." she replies shrugging her shoulders, making Dean angry at the thought of someone damaging his car. "You could have destroyed my baby!" "Relax, I would never do something like that to such an amazing car." she reassures with a neutral tone. Hearing that she thinks his car is amazing, calms Dean down. "Listen guys, as nice as this little chat was I have to go." Without a word, she starts her bike and drives away.

A few minutes later, the girl just checked into her motel room when she hears a knock on her door. Carefully, so as not to make a sound, she peeks through the window beside the door. Annoyed, she hesitates to open up. She catches herself feeling a small flow of relief to see Sam and Dean standing outside. "Come on, open up. We know you're in there. Your bike is in the parking lot in front of your room." She opens the door, blocking the way with her body to keep them from entering. Her body is tense and her lips are slightly pressed together, "What do you want now?" "We still want to help you. So, are you letting us in?" Dean asks with a small but provocative smile, causing Sam to roll his eyes. "Ur not gonna leave, are you?" she asks with her arms crossed in front of her chest, raising an eyebrow. "Nope. So, lettin' us in?" "Ugh fine." rolling her eyes, she steps out of the way to let the boys in. "Great, now that we work together, how about we get to know eachother a bit more" Sam suggests, sitting down at the small table in the room followed by Dean. The girl is standing across the table, once again crossing her arms in front of her body, maintaining a certain distance between herself and the boys. "Fine but hurry, we got a lot of work to do." "Okay, so how about you start by telling us your name." Sam proposes with a warm smile playing on his lips, tilting his head slightly. "My name is Y/N."

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