Family history

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21 years ago, St. Louis, Missouri
It's three weeks before my fifth birthday. I'm sitting in my room, playing plastic soldier vs. Barbie, as I hear a knock on my door, "Come in" I say, seeing my Dad popping his head out from the door. "Hey sweetheart." he smiles at me "What are you doing?" he asks with a gentle voice. "Look Daddy, that is you," I lift the plastic soldier "And this is a shapeshifter. 'Did you see where it went?'" I say, changing my voice to imitate my father. "'Yes, it went this way!'" I answer myself, turning the plastic soldier around, its back now facing Barbie. I lift the dolls arm for it to try and hit the soldier. But the soldier dodges, "Powww! Now that's what you get for attacking my daddy!" I shout, shooting Barbie with the soldiers gun before dropping her to the ground with a victorious smile. I lift my head to look up at Dad, him smiling down at me. "That was amazing sweetie!" he says, kneeling down to me, to be at my eye level. "Would you please come down stairs in 10? Dinner is almost ready." he says. I nod and smile at him as he kisses my forehead before leaving me back to my imagination.

After about eight minutes, I put away my toys to go downstairs. I see Mom in the kitchen, setting the table. I rush over to her side, hugging her with a huge smile on my face before helping her getting everything ready. "Y/N, please go tell your Dad food's ready" she smiles at me as I run off to find Dad. I find him in the library, reading something in an old book about ancient legends and myths. The book has a dark green, run down cover with gold detailing and writing. The edges are slightly worn, making the book look even older. "Daddy, food's ready!" I shout. He puts the book aside and scoops me up into his arms, tickling me. I squeal, being extremely ticklish. I start play fighting him, freeing myself. I run back to the kitchen with dad 'chasing' me. As I run past her, Mom catches me. Holding me in her arms they both start tickling me. They laugh as I squel, winding myself to try and break free. Without success. After letting go of me, we hug for a minute or two, before sitting down at the dinner table. We start eating as we hear a knock on the front door. "I'll go get it" Dad says with a smile. I hear them talking but can't see them. "How can I help you?" "Are you Aaron Y/L/N?" the man at the door asks. Curiously Mom and I get up and walk over to Dad. There is a man, around the same age as Dad, with dark brown, almost black hair and a short beard. "Depends on who is asking." "I'm John Winchester. Bobby Singer sent me, he said you could help me."

"Hello?" "Bobby hey, It's Aaron. Listen there is a John Winchester at my front porch, saying you send him to me. Is that true?" "Indeed it is. His wife was murdered last year. He's been hunting this thing ever since. And you're the best hunter I know so I thought, if someone could help him it's you." "Okay, thanks Bobby. But next time, please call me before giving someone my address ok?" "I will." "Thanks." Dad ends the phone call, while I keep an eye on the man. "He's clear" Dad says, my features softening at his words, now smiling at the man. "You know I have a son, hes around same age as you." John tells me with a warm smile. I shrug my shoulders and look at Dad, "Sweetheart, could you please get my diary?" he asks me and I run off to fetch it. "Does she know about... you know, everything?" I can hear John ask from the other room. "Of course she does, my wife and I have been teaching her to defend herself since she can walk." Dad states, as I enter the room with his diary in my hand. "Thanks honey, how about you and your Mom continue eating and I handle this here, okay?" Mom and I nod, then go back to the kitchen while Dad and John sit down in the living room. "Do you take her with you on hunts?" "Of course not. She stays with one of us if possible, when we're both gone she stays with Bobby. Even though she wants to joyn us so badly, we try to keep her life as normal as possible." I can't help but overhear theyr conversation while I eat, curious of our visitors concern.

Present day
I wake up, blinded by the sun light shining through the window. I yawn and blink a few times, allowing my eyes to adapt to the brightness as I stretch. It's currently 12 PM as I get dressed. My hair is still messy from sleeping, as I walk over to knock on the boys' door. After a few seconds I hear steps coming towards me and the door opens. The first thing I see, is a huge, shredded and naked upper body. Looking up, I see that it's Dean, sleepily rubbing his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't wanna wake you." I say quickly, trying to hide my red face. "No it's fine, come in" he says in a low sleepy voice, sending shivers down my back. He steps aside to let me in, "Morning Sam" "Morning" he replies with a sleepy smile. "Where is Bobby?" I ask, "He went to grab some breakfast." I hear Dean saying behind me. "So, what brings you here so early?" "You had some questions, remember? And I'm here to answer them." "Oh right, I forgot" Dean says, answering Sams confused face. I sit down on Dean's bed, with the brothers sitting across from me on Sam's bed. "Could you please put on a shirt or something!" "Why? Do I make you nervous?" Dean asks with a provocative smirk on his face, leaning closer towards me. "N–no, not at all" I try to sound as confident as possible. However, it only makes them chuckle. "Okay, then I won't" he adds, his grin turning bigger as a breeze of pink rushes over my cheeks. "Okay, w–where was I?" I shift my gaze to Sam, attempting to conceal my nervousness. "You wanted to answer some questions" I nod as Dean grins at me provocatively. "Okay, so first question, how do you know our dad?" I sigh "Okay so I was about four when, your dad knocked on our door. Bobby sent him to my dad, hoping he could help him find the thing that killed..his wife...I'm sorry" I say, the last few words more of a mumble. "It's fine" Sam nods for me to continue, "They were out hunting sometimes and after my mum... passed, he was there for us." I clear my throat, looking down at my hands resting on my knees. I fidget my fingers as I try to suppress my tears. Clearing my throat again, I continue, "And after my dad died in a car crash four years ago, I wanted to continue our family legacy. Hunting. But some of his notes were stolen, so I went to all the people that my father taught everything he knew, to try and once again complete his diary. Including your dad. We hunted together a few times, he was almost like family to me." I state with a sad smile, looking at the boys for any kind of reaction, as the door opens.

"Morning you three, I brought breakfast– or lunch when I look at the time." "Morning Bobby" I greet him with a smile, which he returns. "Dean, could you please put on a shirt!" clearly forgotten that he's still half naked, Dean throws on a dark blue shirt in embarrassment. I laugh at him, catching a grumpy look from Dean. "What were you doing before I came?" Bobby asks, handing us our breakfast. Taking it with a smile I take a moment to answer. "I was telling them about my dad" "I see" he nods, sitting down to eat. "I have a new job for you three, over in Idaho," he states. "What about you?" Sam asks confused. "I have to go back home. A lot of people count on me. You're not the only ones to call me, when you need help." "Bobby, you know I only work alone." I disagree with a serious look. "But you give off an incredible team!" "I mean he's not wrong" Dean agrees. "Think about it, Y/L/N and Winchester reunited. Just like the old times." Bobby adds as he stands up and starts packing his bags. "I wouldn't mind some company if you don't" Sam looks at Dean "I wouldn't complain either." he states, shrugging his shoulders. Both of them now look at me with a faithful expression. "One job and that's it!" I agree and the boys start cheering. Laughing at their silliness I stand up and walk to the door. "Where are you going?" Sam asks. Without turning around I say "Packing my bags." I smile to myself as I open the door and exit the room.

About 25 minutes later, I packed everything into my bag and carry it over the boy's room. I knock on the door and Sam lets me in. Bobby looks surprised as I bring in my bag. One big backpack and that's it! "Why are you surprised? I'm traveling on a motorcycle. There is no such thing as a trunk where I can put a lot of stuff." I say slightly shrugging my shoulders. "Well, good thing you'll be traveling with us now." Dean says with a grin, holding up his keys to the Impala. I smile at him when suddenly Bobby grabs his bags and exits the room, the boys and I follow. "It's time for me to go." he states, seeing my sad smile. He hugs me, "It's fine, we'll see each other sooner than you think. Just please stay safe out there and call me when you need something." he adds in a calm but serious voice. Breaking the hug I give him a smile before laoding my stuff into the back of the Impala. Bobby says goodbye to Dean and Sam, "Stay safe out there and take care of Y/N for me, please." he says, looking over at me. "We will. You stay safe too." Dean and Sam say at the same time bofore Bobby gets into his car and drives away. I get on my bike and the boys into the Impala. With the information Bobby gave us about our new job we drive off. Next stop, Idaho!

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