The girl

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"Wow... that's a beautiful name." Dean says, his voice resonating in the confined space of the motel room, the hum of distant traffic audible outside. He looks me deep in the eyes. "Thanks." I say, noticing his perfectly cut brown hair, his green eyes and broad shoulders for the first time. His face is covered with freckles, which only seem to enhance his emerald green eyes. From what I can see, his body is toned and he is quite a bit taller than me. Seeing a big grin forming on his face, I realize that I have been staring at him for a little too Long. I quickly snap out of my thoughts, "Now it's my turn, where is your father?" Dean and Sam first look at each other then to the ground, sadness and a hint of anger filling their eyes. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, Dean finally breaks the silence, "He is dead" "I'm sorry... What happened?" I ask, my throat goes dry and I hold back some tears, hoping that they won't notice. "A demon" Sam answers, still looking at the ground. "Now, how do you know our dad?" "That's a story for another time. We have a lot to do!" Dean looks at me with a penetrating gaze, trying to figure out what's going on inside my head, what I'm trying to hide from them. "Okay, so do you know what this thing is?" Sam gives in, causing Dean to shift his gaze over to his brother, taking out their dad's diary to see if there's anything in there that could help them. "Yes I do, it's a Krask." "What the hell is a Krask?" Dean asks, his brows slightly furrowed as he looks at Sam, hoping he found something in the diary. "There is no such thing as a Krask in here?" he states questioning, lines crossing his forehead as he frowns in confusion. "That's because it is- or was just a legend, no one has ever seen one and lived to tell about it." "You seem to know a lot about this thing, do you know how to kill it?" Dean asks me, returning his gaze. "Okay, so you probably know about the murders and how the bodys were found. And I don't know how well you could see it back at that house but it always holds its right arm in front of its heart." "So?" Dean asks eagerly, his brows furrowing in bewilderment. "There is only one way to kill a Krask, you have to rip its heart out to the front of its body and burn it in front of a mirror." "But I thought its arm is protecting its heart?" Sam sais, repeating my words in his head, wondering if it is even possible to kill this thing. "Right, and that is why I was standing in front of the mirror when you found me and ruined my plan." I pause for a second, glaring at the boys before continuing. "You have to stand in front of a mirror with your eyes closed, facing the mirror for it to show up right behind you. As soon as it is within armlength you have to crouch, that way it sees itself in the mirror. This will cause it to raise its arm and cover its eyes, giving you the opurtunity to rip out its heart." "Holy shit, that sounds like a lot. How do you know all that?" Dean asks curiously, "My family has been hunting for decades".

After a good hour of further research and preparation, Sam leavs the room to call someone. I notice Dean staring at me, while I am reading a book about old legends and myths. My father gave it to me as a gift on my tenth birthday. All I wished for back then, was to join him on a hunt and he told me that once I had finished this book, he would take me with him. The only thing he didn't expect me to do, was to finish this book with over three thousand pages in under two weeks but he kept his promise. It has been my favorite book ever since. "You know starring is rude, don't you?" I ask Dean, not taking my eyes off of my book. I see him looking away quickly, but it is too late, I can see his face turning slightly red. I can't help myself but chuckle at this sight, causing his face to turn an even brighter red colour. I hear the motel door creak open. I lift my head, only to see Sam walk back into the room, followed by a gentle breeze, that carried with it the faint scent of exhaust gases and the tempting aroma from the fast-food restaurant across the street. Dean notices as well and clears his throat, as I return to my book. "Bobby is on his way, bringing some equipment that could help us." My head snaps back up, my eyes widening at the name. "What's wrong?" Sam asks, curious at the sudden change in my facial expession. "Who were you calling?" I ask eagerly, not believing my ears. "A friend, don't worry we can trust him." "He's right, we've known him our whole lives. He's practically family." Dean adds to Sam's answer. "What is his name?" I clarify my question, praying that my ears didn't trick me. "Bobby, Bobby Singer" Sam tells me, looking at Dean with a questioning expression, raising his eyebrows as my face lights up with excitement. I feel my mouth slightly open before a big smile forms on my lips. "Okay, what is going on? Do you know him?" I hear Dean ask as he slightly leans over the table, positioning his upper body on his arms. But I decide to ignore him. "I haven't seen him in years" I mumble to myself, feeling happiness fill my body, turning the smile on my lips even bigger. The boys keep asking me questions, which I block out as I run my fingers over the rough texture of the page, the edges slightly worn from years of exploration. I flip the page and drown my thoughts in all the old storys, causing nostalgia wrapping around me like a warm blanket, keeping me safe and sound.

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