I Know What You Did Last Summer

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After about fifteen hours of driving and a few stops at diners or gas stations the boys insist on a break. We stop at a hotel and check in. "Good evening, we would like to check in." "Sure but unfortunately we are fully booked except one room" the woman at the counter answers Dean, her friendly gaze switching between me and the two men. "Okay, could we at least get a third bed?" "I'm very sorry but that is not doable, ma'am. But the room has two big beds, big enough to fit four people in total" she explains with a smile. Dean looks at us then back at the lady, "Alright, we'll take it." I look at Dean wide-eyed, as he winks at Sam and me. As we enter the room I give the boys an annoyed look before claiming one of the beds. "This one's mine!" "No way you had the bed for yourself last time! Now it's my turn" Sam contradicts me, taking my stuff and throwing it onto the other bed. "Dean!" "What?" "Say something!" I insist, "Why, it's better than sleeping in one bed with Sammy boy here" he states with a grin, shrugging his shoulders. "Oh come on, why couldn't we just stop at a different hotel?" "Because we all needed a break. And it's only for a night so calm down" I roll my eyes at Sam before reluctantly getting ready and crawling into the bed, under protest.

As I wake up, I blink a few times, allowing my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight shining through the blinds. I was about to stretch when I noticed that I am all cuddled up with Dean. His strong arms are wrapped around my waist and my back is snuggled up against his bare chest. My eyes widen and I turn bright red as I realize that I am his little spoon. I tried to wiggle myself out of his arms, without waking him but fail. A sharp pain shoots through my body, coming from my still fresh wound. I hiss at the pain as I slightly curl up, pressing my back against Dean. I sigh defeated as he pulls me even closer to his chest. He growls low as my back presses tighter against his upper body. It sounds happy and satisfied, is he enjoying this? I can feel his chest rise and fall as he breathes. His warm breath tickles my neck, sending shivers down my spine. After a few more wiggles I accept defeat and relax my body in his arms. I have to admit to myself that it doesn't feel too bad to lay in his strong arms. Even tho his body is toned and shredded, it is very comfortable. I can definitely feel his hard, defined muscles but somehow his body still feels soft.

I open my eyes, only to realize I had fallen back asleep. I take a look at the clock, hanging on the wall. Two hours? I had actually fallen back asleep for two hours! In Deans arms! His grip around me is still tight, as if he was scared I would disappear when he lets go, but a bit more loose than before. I see this as an opportunity to free myself and take it, I carefully wiggle and wind myself out of his arms and can hear another growl escape his throat but this time it sounds sad, unsatisfied? I have to admit, he looks cute when he's asleep, he looks peaceful which doesn't happen often. I notice a strange hand print on his shoulder, it looks like a scar or a burn or something. I quickly push the thoughts aside and go to the bathroom. Standing infront of the mirror, I carefully pull up my shirt to reveal the sewed cut from our last hunt. Over all it looks good- as good as a wound can look but at least it's not infected. Only a bit of dried blood around the edge, I wet a papertowel and carefully wipe it away. "Y/N!?" I hear Dean shout in the other room, in a concerned morning voice. It seems like he woke Sammy, becuse now both men are shouting for me. I step out of the bathroom, "Calm down boys, I'm right here." Both of them sigh relieved and I giggle to myself. I grab some clothes out of my bag, "Ah fuck!" I groan annoyed. "What's wrong?" Dean asks with furrowed brows. "I don't have a single clean shirt!" I cry out frustrated, as I dig through my bag. "Here, take this." Dean throws me one of his shirts and I catch it with a thankful smile before I disappear into the bathroom again.

I throw on fresh underwear, my dark blue jeans and the grey shirt Dean gave me. It goes almost all the way down to my knees and makes me look tiny. I detangle my hair and join the boys in the other room. As I enter, their gazes shift to me and Dean's jaw basically drops to the ground as he eyes me up and down. "Wow... you practically vanish in my shirt." he states with a childish grin on his face, "I know." I answer, playfully rolling my eyes at him before returning the gesture. Sammy chuckles softly, running his fingers through his hair. We pack our bags and Dean leaves Sammy and me alone to go check us out. Sam and I grab our bags and leave the room. As we walk down the hall Sammy turns to me with a grin, "What?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed. "Oh nothing," "Okay?" "I just remembered the way, you and Dean were cuddling." he adds with a wink. My face turns bright red and my eyes widen. I thought no one saw this. "No we weren't!" "You surely were!" Sam calls out. He is way too excited about this."You know, watching peaople sleep is creepy." I state. "I even took a picture!" he adds with a childish smile on his face, taking out his phone. On the small screen, a picture of me and his brother, all cuddled up and snuggled. My eyes widen, "What have you got a picture of?" Dean asks his brother, approaching us with a smirk. "Nothing!" I shout nervously, snatching Sam's phone out of his hands. The boys start laughing as I turn bright red. Sam grabs his phone from my hands and we start walking to the Impala, "You know, one day you're gonna ask me for that picture." Sam whispers into my ear with a victorious grin on his lips. I nudge him with my elbow, causing him to rub his arm, "Ow" he says mid laugh, still rubbing his arm.

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