Death date

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I have been with the Winchesters for a little over a week now. We're still on the case, Bobby gave us but currently we don't have any leads. Sammy keeps an eye open for bloodless corpses or any unexplained or sudden deaths, while Dean is, well- Dean. He flirts with almost every woman he sees, vanishing for a night now and then. This makes the fact that we share a motel room even worse. But it was the only one available and I claimed one of the two beds for myself, so it's bearable. Dean and Sam are still mad at me because they have to share a bed. Dean always complains about Sam's snoring, while Sam complains that Dean takes up too much space. So, overall just the usual level of stupidity coming from the Winchester brothers. I've been on the road more than usual, just mindlessly driving around. The boys are worried but I know what's going on. Mom and dad died at the same day, but still seven years apart. And tomorrow is the day, I've been dreading for weeks. Tomorrow, the 18th November, the worst day of the year and I'm almost two thousand miles away from home. I haven't told Sam or Dean, we've gotten pretty close over the past week we spend together but I just really don't wanna talk about it. Not yet at least. Bobby keeps checking in on me every few days, to make sure I'm okay. He's the only one knowing about it all.

I drive around for about two hours, I started before sunrise, the boys were still asleep when I left. I grabbed something to eat on the way and went to a hidden lookout to watch the sunrise. Afterwards I drive around some more before heading back. As I pull up in front of the motel room, I park my baby and go inside. "Where were you?" Dean asks but I choose to ignore him. I try not to look into their worried faces as I sit down on my bed, put on my headphones and grab my book. After twenty minutes of feeling someone's eyes lying on me I finally speak up, "What?" I ask with a grumpy voice. "Oh nothing" "Dean, you've been staring at me since I got back so spill!" I say annoyed. Dean scratches the back of his neck, seemingly uncomfortable before finally answering. "What's up with this book? I've never seen you read anything else." "That's non of your business!" I say, louder and angrier than I intended to. "What is going on with you lately? You have been distant and you're always out driving. So, what's wrong?" "You know you can talk to us" Sam adds with a concerned but calm voice, both looking me in the eyes, making my gaze switch between them. "Nothing. I'm fine" "No you're no-" "I SAID I'M FINE!" I snap at them, screaming. Surprised and angry at myself for treating someone who wants to help me like that, I storm out of the room. I run over to a park, a few blocks away from the motel. Sitting on a bench by a lake I breake down in tears.

Dean's POV
As I wake up, Sammy and Y/N are gone. I hope they're just getting breakfast. I yawn and turn back around since it's still early but I can't fall back asleep. As I scroll through my phone, searching for Sam's name, the door opens, "Please tell me Y/N is with you." my eyes begging for him to say yes. "Good morning to you too, no she's not why?" Sam looks over to her bed, seeing that it's empty. His face fills with worry. "Shit! Where is she?" "I don't know! When I woke up she was already gone!" "But she was still sleeping when I left." "When was that?" "About an hour ago." "Is her bike still outside?" Sam rushes outside to check. "No, it's gone!" only a small relief but at least something. "I can call her" Sammy suggests "No, when she's out driving she won't answer" I say, running my hands over my face and through my hair in worry. About an hour has passed and there is still no sign of her. I guess I'm not good at hiding my worries, since Sam treis to cheer me up, "Dean, I'm sure she's fine. It's not the first time this week that she went fore a ride without telling us." "I know, that just makes it worse. What is going on with her?" "I don't know. We can ask her when she gets back." Then, half an hour later, I hear the sound of her engine growing louder as she pulls up to the motel. "Where were you?" I ask worried, as she steps trough the door but she ignores me. Without looking at either of us, she sits down on her bed, puts on her headphones and grabs her book. "What?" she asks with a grumpy voice. I guess she noticed that I've been watching her. "Oh nothing" "Dean, you've been staring at me since I got back so spill!" I scratch the back of my neck in discomfort before responding. "What's up with this book? I've never seen you read anything else." "That's non of your business!" she says, almost screaming. Sam and I exchange worried looks. "What is going on with you lately? You have been distant and you're always out driving. So, what's wrong?" "You know you can talk to us" Sam adds with a concerned but calm voice, her gaze switching between us. "Nothing. I'm fine" "No you're no-" "I SAID I'M FINE!" she interrupts me, screaming. Then, out of nowhere she storms out. Concerned I call Bobby, hoping he could help us. "Hello?" "Hey Bobby, Sam and I need your help."

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