The Krask

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The next morning I get woken up by the radio standing on my bedside table. It is already 12 PM so I decide to get ready. I get dressed and go to the nearest Café to grab breakfast. As I get back Bobby, Dean and Sam are standing in front of my door, trying to peek through the window. "And what exactly do you think you're doing?" I ask, scaring them enough for them to jump at my voice. They spin around, facing me. I can see a hint of pink flashing across Dean's and Sam's faces. "I-uh...we-" Sam stumbles, clearly embarrased at the situation. I interrupt him, bursting out in laugh, calming Sam down. I open the door and walk inside, the boys following behind. I sit down on the table and unpack my breakfast, blueberry pancakes, a fried egg, bacon and a cup of hot goodness-coffee. I open my laptop and start typing something while I eat, to avoid the awkward silence. "Hey Sammy, you comin' to get the weapons? We need to start preparing for tonights hunt." Dean breaks the silence, walking across the room, opening the door. Sam follows him, leaving Bobby and me alone. I was about to say something, the silence becoming unbearable, when Bobby beat me to it. "I'm sorry about yesterday. It's just... I can't risk you getting hurt. I promised your dad to take care of you and I'm determined to keep that promise." he confesses, catching me off guard. Too stunned to speak I stand there, feeling tears forming in my eyes. Without hesitation, Bobby comes over to me and takes me into his arms. I can feel my warm, salty tears rolling down my face as I let out a small sob.

Dean's POV
"Hey Sammy, you comin' to get the weapons? We need to start preparing for tonights hunt." I call out, leaving the room. Sammy follows behind me and we go back to our room to grab everything we might need for tonight. "What do you think they're talking about?" I ask him as we gather the stuff on his bed. "Honestly, I don't know but I hope it solves their disagreement." "I hope so too, Bobby was unusually quiet yesterday. It really seemed to get to him." I can't help myself but feel a bit worried about both of them as we walk back over.

Your POV
Bobby apologizes again, showing that he really means it. Dean and Sam knock at the door, for us to let them in. Bobby opens them the door, giving me a second to wipe my tears. I help them carry everything inside and we begin to prepare ourselves. "Okay here's the plan," I begin, drawing everyones attention to me. "I'm gonna be the bait and before you say something, lett me finish." I quickly add before anyone can complain. "Dean and Sam you will hide behind a table. I'll give you hex bags so the Krask won't notice you. You'll also have mirrors, just in case. Bobby you will wait in front of the room, same equipment as Sam and Dean. If something happens they will let you know." Bobby looks at Sam and Dean, receiving nods of approval. I sight in relief at the gestures, my body still tensed, while hoping I convinced Bobby. Then, after a long pause he finally agrees to the plan. I almost jump with excitement, making everyone laugh, myself included. We spend the rest of the day cleaning our weapons and making hex bags. A few hours later I take a look at the time, 8 PM. Time to go. We pack everything we need into a bag and leave the motel. A thunderstorm rages outside. Dean insists that I don't take my bike. After a long argument I accept defeat and climb into the back of the Impala. Since we have a long car ride ahead of us, I decide to put on my headphones. As the drive goes on, I more and more give into my music, entirely blocking out my surroundings. I entirely zone out, starting to dance around in my seat, humming and drumming with my fingers to the beat. Completely sunken within my thoughts, my eyes wander around the Impala. My eyes snap open and I can feel my face turn bright red as I see something that makes me crash back to reality. Dean watches me through the rearview mirror and Sam turned around in his seat to watch the show, both of them having a giant grin on their face. "What ya listenin' to?" Dean asks me, the grin on his face growing even bigger. Embarrassed I take off my headphones "Ramble On, Led Zeppelin" I state, seeing a flash of surprise in Dean's eyes. "What? It's one of my favourite songs." I add, shrugging my shoulders, smiling. I put my headphones back on and once again look out the window. It is now completely dark outside and we're not far away from the haunted house. I start preparing myself to face the Krask once again, hoping this will be the last encounter.

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