When Sam returned, Dean tried to show us the "gore" in the microwave. He had tried to show it to me before but was getting frustrated when I couldn't see what he was talking about.
"See what?" Sam asked as we all peered into the clean and empty microwave.
"See what?" Dean asked, frustrated. "See the blood. See all the bleh."
"I mean, I saw the light, but that was it," I said, "Dean, I'm sorry, but there is nothing there."
Dean furrowed his brow and pointed into the microwave. "You don't see the ick? It's right there."
Sam nodded. "Okay, let's go with you see it, and we don't. What the hell was it?"
"It was a— a little..." Dean hesitated. "Naked lady, okay?"
Sam and I exchanged a look and then looked back at Dean. "It was a what?"
Dean shrugged. "It was a— It was a little, glowing, hot naked lady. With nipples... and she hit me," he said, looking hurt and embarrassed.
"I'm not supposed to laugh, right?" Sam asked.
Dean and I shot him a look.
Sam nodded. "Right. Okay. Sure. Um. So, shot in the dark here, but did this little lady have..." He walked over to his laptop. "Wings?"
Dean furrowed his brow. "What the hell made you say that?"
"She did, didn't she?" Sam asked, slightly excited, and sat down in front of his laptop.
Dean nodded. "Yeah, but how did— how'd—"
"One of the fringier theories I came across." Sam started typing. "It's actually what crazy crystal lady was yammering about. What if these abductions have nothing to do with UFOs?"
Dean shook his head. "What?"
Then we sat down at the table with Sam.
Sam nodded. "Okay, say these encounters have been going on for centuries, not with extraterrestrials but with ultra-terrestrials. People nowadays say 'space aliens' or whatever, but they used to call them..." He spun his laptop around to show us an image of little elf-like creatures.
"Smurfs," Dean said, unamused.
Sam shook his head. "Fairies."
"Fairies?" Dean nodded and then rolled his eyes. "Come on."
Sam sighed. "Dean, there's a straight line between ET's and fairies. Glowing lights, abductions. It's all the same UFO stuff, just under a different skin."
Dean nodded. "You seriously think that the secret with UFOs is..."
Sam shrugged. "Hey, you're the one who pizza-rolled Tinkerbell. I'm just doing the math. But this is good. This is a lead."
I shook my head. "To where?"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Marion had invited us to her trailer after Dean made a call. When we got there, she served us odd-smelling tea in tiny teacups. Her house was covered in crystals, strings of herbs, and tiny fairy statues.
"Fairies. Sprites and spriggens. Bogarts and brownies. The little people have many names," Marion recited happily and then sat at her table next to me.
Dean pointed to a fairy figurine on the counter next to us. "Well, that's, uh— that's her. That's the little—"
Marion looked shocked. "Oh."
Dean sighed. "Anyway, I, uh— I get that Tinkerbells are fairies, but what about the tiny Santa Claus and the troll and the..." He pointed to the other figurines around the room.
Maddison Winchester: Journal 6 {Supernatural} (Editing)
Mistério / SuspenseAll hunters know that the only way out of "the life" is through death. Dean and Maddison, on the other hand, appear to have managed to simply step away and retire. Will a life behind a white picket fence be enough to keep them occupied, or will some...