Chapter 4: A Friendly Family

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You are walking through a quiet village in a cloak.

"I've been hunting Atlas Soldiers left and right ever since I got here," you said to yourself. "It's only a matter of time before Atlas falls."

You passed a house with a man sitting on the porch. A ball rolled up into your foot and you picked it up.

A girl ran up and was left a little frightened by your presence. You figured that the ball belonged to the girl and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Mister," she said.

"Don't mention it."

"You look like you've been walking for a while," the man on the porch said, "And the weather is pretty hot right now. Why don't you come inside for a bit?"


"What's your name?"

"Raiden. Yours?"


Raiden: "Nice to meet you Rise."

You entered the house and sit down, and a woman brought you and Raiden drinks.

Raiden: "Thank you dear. You always make amazing lemonade."

"Thanks for inviting me. I can assure you I won't stay long."

Raiden: "Well, consider this thanks for giving my daughter her ball back."

"It's no problem."

You took a sip of your drink as Raiden looked at him.

Raiden: "You're the one involved with the fall of Beacon."

You glared at Raiden as he drank from his cup.

Raiden: "I'm not going to turn you in. I've had enough cops in my life."

"Better hold on to that claim."

You quickly finished your lemonade and got up from your chair.

Raiden: "I was like you, boy. I wanted to see the world burn for what they did to me, what they took. Then I had a crisis. What would happen if I burned everything down? I'm not sure how I'd handle being left alone. Then Yuri, my light, came and gave me a different purpose."

"You decided to forgive them?"

Raiden: "God no. I just decided to choose something other than ending myself. This village is for people like me. Like us. Safe travels, Y/N."

"Sure. Thanks for the drinks."

After leaving, you received a video call from Cinder.

"Hello, Angel. How are you feeling?"

Cinder: "Getting closer to talking again. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I made a new friend. He has a nice wife and daughter. Maybe I could introduce you to them."

Cinder: "If I feel like it. I am interested in seeing what they're really like."

"I think you might like them. See you soon?"

Cinder: "You know it. Stay safe till I see you again."

"I will. Love you, Angel."

After hanging up, you made your way out of the village and continued walking down the path in front of you.

Fall and Rise (Cinder Fall x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now