Part One

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Welcome to my darkness, I been here a while

Clouding up the sunlight, hurting for a smile

Or something, but something always turns into nothing

Oh, I'll drain your life 'til there's

Nothing left but your blood shot eyes

Oh, I'll take my time 'til I show you how I feel inside

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The reign of King Jaehaerys was a peaceful and prosperous one, though not without its scandals. In 84 AC, the Conciliator learned that his fifth born daughter had bedded three young knights. In his anger he had her confined to her bedchambers and declared that "she is no longer my daughter." Unable to even see her, Jaehaerys sent Saera to Oldtown to serve the faith as a novice. In 85 AC, however, Saera escaped her confinement and fled Westeros to Lys where she became a whore in a pleasure garden. Despite his sister wife's best efforts, Jaehaerys refused to retrieve or contact her.

A year after the court learned of Saera's fate, her younger sister, Viserra, was betrothed to the elderly Lord Manderly. Viserra, horrified by the match, attempted to seduce her widowed elder brother. The grieving Baelon turned her away. With no other idea of how to avoid her upcoming nuptials, Viserra resigned herself to her fate as the fifth wife of Theomore Manderly. Seeking one last night of freedom, Viserra snuck out of the Red Keep and engaged in a drunken night of festivities alongside her companions. As the moon began its descent Viserra decided to race on horseback through the streets of King's landing, she was thrown from her mount and landed upon the cobble streets, snapping her neck in the impact.

Neither compared to that of two of the Old King's grandchildren. It had been a cold evening when Septon Barth discovered twisting bare bodies on an altar to the Maiden in the Red Keep's Sept. There had long been whispers between servants that Visenya, the youngest daughter of Prince Aemon and Lady Jocelyn, and Daemon, the younger son of Prince Baelon and Princess Alyssa, could be spotted in empty halls and corners of dusty rooms if one was unlucky enough to stumble upon the two.

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