Chapter One

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The wind was unyielding, ripping past Visenya, causing her braided hair to snap like a whip. Her hands flew off the saddle as she broke through a cloud, throwing her arms out. Her skin warmed under the sun's golden light, tilting her head back to meet the rays. She breathed in the air, this high up she was free from the stifling court.

A loud roar shattered the silence as a yellow-golden form flew by, followed by bubbling laughter bouncing off the clouds.

"There you are!" Visenya called. Her hands returned to the saddle, grinning at the sight. "Pikagon, Bantivēdros." Follow, Nightfury.

Nightfury sung in response to his rider's command, pursuing the smaller dragon. The dragon's large wings beat heavily, quickly catching up to Syrax. Rhaenyra's head tipped up as a shadow was cast over her, laughing as she urged Syrax to dive, disappearing below the clouds.

"Aderī, Bantivēdros. Nopot." Quickly, Nightfury. To the pit.

The dragon huffed, quickening his pace. Visenya watched as Syrax gracefully dodged the Red Keep, cutting close to Maegor's Holdfast in a way that was impossible for Nightfury to do. A high-pitched screech caused Visenya to forget her goal, scanning the sky for a familiar red dragon. She grinned, spotting the Blood Wyrm on the horizon, returning from Essos.

"Paerī." Nightfury sang at Visenya's command, diving lower. Slow.

The dark-scaled dragon glimmered in the golden light, shimmering violet. Nightfury circled the dragonpit, moving to the northern side.

"Ninkiot." She ordered. Land.

His wings beat slowly, descending to the earth below. The ground shook slightly as the huge dragon landed besides the she dragon. The dragonkeepers merely glanced at the black dragon before focusing back on Syrax at the young dragon's roar.

One of his wings flattened as Visenya stood from the saddle, sliding down Nightfury's wing and landing on the ground with a soft thud. She grinned, moving around the wing as she lifted a hand to her lips. Her teeth closed around the end of her glove, pulling it off so she could lay a bare hand against the side of Nightfury's neck, leaning closer to press her forehead against the warm scales. Her smile softened at the familiar scent of dragon.

She patted his neck in goodbye, moving towards the awaiting wheelhouse.

"Welcome back, Princess." Ser Harrold greeted from his horse's saddle

"Do you stay atop your horse the entire time, ser?" Visenya questioned.

The knight's lips twitched upwards at the teasing tone. "Sometimes I stretch my legs."

Visenya faked a gasp. "Whatever would the King think if you were not at your post?"

Lilac eyes focused on the two young girls in front of the wheelhouse, noticing the soft smiles shared between them. A sharp pain echoed through her chest as Alicent's smile grew strained when she noticed her stepmother's presence, the Hightower girl turning to reenter the carriage.

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