Pov: Avery

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my chest is burning, but that doesnt matter.

Jameson stands in shock, horrified at what hes done. he backs up a few steps and stumbles on a broken bottle of scotch. hes bleeding. blood is everywhere. on his hand, his face, even his hair. oh god. what happened.

"its okay. Hawthorne its okay." i soothe, he starts breathing harder. he sits on the floor, head down, the palms of his hands pressing at his temples. he starts pulling at his hair, like if he rips it out everything will go away. i walk towards him and he puts his head in his hands now, crying. i sit by him and envelope him into my arms, telling him that its okay. that everything is going to be alright. he looks up at me, tears still in his eyes, and says "Heiress.. go. im dangerous. you shouldnt be here." this undoes me because i hate to see my boyfriend hurting. i hate to see my boyfriend pushing me away thinking hes dangerous to be around. "no chance, Jamie." i say softly. he gives in and slumps against me. hes crying again. hes still bleeding. i dont know what to do.

suddenly, a plan clicks into place.

i comfort him for a bit, let go and stand up. i quickly dial Oren's number and he picks up at the second ring. "what is it?" he asks, concerned. "if i told you to get a med kit from the far far side of the house then to meet me nack at my room later would you?" i ask, silently praying. he grumbles for a bit about being safe and all of those Oren things that Oren does, then finally gives in "fine." he says, but i can tell from his tone that we arent finished talking about this. "thank you."
he doesnt say anything, but i can almost see him nodding, annoyed. he hangs up and i get to work.

"come on, Hawthorne. lets get you cleaned up."
he nods and wipes his nose on the back of his hand, sniffing quietly. i help him up and together we climb down the ladder, all the way through the tunnels, through the passage, and to the back of the fireplace in my room. Jameson is leaning l me, my arm is around him. all his strength is gone. hes drained and looks as if hes about to be sick. i quickly make a call and three minutes later Xander comes and unlocks the fireplace for us. he doesnt say anything but he looks pretty shook. "Orens coming with a med kit." i tell him and he nods. he walks out the room mumbling something about him coming back soon, i donk know. i couldnt hear what he said.

i bring Jameson with me to the bathroom and undress him completely. i switch on the hot water and soon steam is filling the room. something snaps inside of him and he starts moving roboticly. je steps into the shower and proceeds to dip his head under the water.

blood is all over the floor of the shower and i soon step in with him to help get all the grime off. he starts shaking and he leans onto the wall for support. i help him shower and run back to my room to get him spare clothes (he always keeps half his closet in mine).

after hes clean and clothed, i sit him down on my bed and call Oren.
"im almost at your room, dont worry." he says after picking up almost immediately. "okay, great." i reply. "see you in a bit." he just 'hms' and hangs up.

two minutes later, oren raps his knuckles on my door. "come in." i say. he walks in and slowly registers the situation. "what happened?" he asks, scanning the room for any potential threats as he sees the still open wound on Jameson's hand. i explain the story (what i saw and pieced together in my head). he nods and proceeds to start inspecting Jamie's hand. at this point, Xander's back, with his brothers, Max and Libby too. "Max!?" im so confused. when did she get here?? "hey ave," she says, yawning and waving at the same time. "she got here last night. you were already asleep and she didnt wanna wake you." Xander fills in. i roll my eyes at her and she shrugs "you shouldve woken me up." i grumble. Grayson's eyes have gone hard as they land on Jameson's hand. "what. happened?" he asks a bit too aggressively. this confuses me even more. Gray hasnt spoken to me like that since the will reading. i dont know where this came from but i havnt got enough time for this right now. Jameson is whats important. nothing else right now.

i tell them an extremely simplified version of what happened. that he was drinking and tripped and broke the bottle of scotch. nothing about the way he said "Emily" i shudder and no one but Grayson notices. he gives me a look that means, we arent done. we will talk about this later. Xander knows somethings missing from the story too. he saw Jamie shivering and on the verge of tears. he knows somethings up. why he holds it back, i dont know. but ill make a point of asking him about it later.

after Oren finishes stitching Jameson's hand, he tells us all that he lost too much blood and that hell need rest. no one will be able to see him for a while so we all turn to leave.

Grayson catches me on the way to Jameson's wing. he looks me up and down and silently follows me to his room.
Oren takes up post outside of Jamie's room. Grayson enters with me and stops me on my path to the shower. "youre keeping something back. tell me what happened." he says with steely eyes. his eyes go soft for a moment and he asks softly "is he spiralling again?" that undoes me. "i think so." i pause for a moment after saying this then add "are you?" his body goes rigid and i see him clench his jaw ever so slightly. back when we first met i wouldnt have been able to pick up all these little details. hes always been good at hiding his emotions. "that is none of your concern. now tell me what really happened." he says. this takes me aback. he hasnt talked to me like this in over a year. whats up with him?

i explain what i saw in detail and he tries to shove past me, presumably to my room. i stop him at the door, hands pressing ever so gently at his chest. "hands, off." he demands. his behaviour is getting more and more strange by the second. i dont remove my hands but i do step forward a bit, to look him right in the eyes. a pained expression flashes across his face for a split second before he gathers himself together. "whats up with you Hawthorne? you havnt spoken to me like this since the will reading. talk to me. whats going on?" he stares into my eyes for a few moments, but he looks away.

what is up with everyone lately?

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