Chapter 6

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Paris and Cricket continued their investigation of the creature, although they hadn't found much. Only a few prints that they did not recognize, even so, they could have been left by a different animal entirely.
"Do you think we should head back? This rain just won't let up, I'd hate to think they got stuck on something."
"Nah, I'm sure they're fine. Ant is small but knows his way around... most of the time."
"I guess, but we haven't found anything yet, and we've been at this for a few hours now."
"I didn't think you were the type to give up so easily." Cricket laughed to herself, nudging Paris in the shoulder.
He knew that she was making fun of him, but he didn't mind. It was nice to hear her laugh and see her smile.
"Well, if we're gonna head back, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"Cricket, I'm sorry if this is intrusive, but what happened to your parents? I guess it's just really bothering me."
Cricket went silent, walking a bit faster now.
"I-I'm sorry! I really shouldn't have asked, we don't have to-"
"I don't know."
The young cat spun around, tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes filled with ages of pent-up sadness.
"I don't know what happened to them! They left with our Giants and never came back!"
Paris was stunned, he never expected to see this much emotion come from her. She continued sobbing, Paris slowly reaching out to her.
"I want to believe they're alive, but I can't! Why did they leave me, Paris, why?!"
"I-I don't know... but I'm sure they didn't mean-"
"Why did they go!? Was I not enough for them..? Why did they leave Ant with someone like me..."
"What? No, no. Cricket... there's no way that they abandoned you. Listen, tell me their names and we can talk about this easily."

Cricket sniffled, sitting down and shaking her head.
"Okay, alright... my father's name was Ashton, and my mother's Faron."

Paris stared at her, what was she talking about? How could Ashton Mayflower be her father, he never had children, who would want to be with him?
"I-Is that so? Well, Ashton is... my half-brother, maybe that's why you recognized Viceroy?"
"What..? No, my dad doesn't have a brother named Paris... you must be thinking of someone else..."
"Huh? Hang on, no, Ash Viceroy, do you know him?"
"Yeah, I do, why..?"
"I'm his brother, have you seen home recently?"
"I really don't know what you're talking about, I've never met you before, but no. I haven't seen Ash in years, he died with his mom in a forest fire."

Paris smiled awkwardly, desperately trying to hide his emotions. He could feel his throat close up and his eyes fill with tears.
"A-Are you alright? You don't look right."
He wanted to tell her he was fine, lie to her like he lied to everyone else. He didn't want her to deal with his feelings, but he couldn't take it. He threw his head up, screeching his brother's name into the sky, bawling his eyes out as he continued to wail Ash's name. He could no longer think, his mind filled with the vision of his brother frantically trying to escape the forest, burning alive. Paris knew it was slow, he could feel it deep in his soul, he knew that his brother was dead. He knew it all along, he just needed someone to tell him.
His mother was someone that he didn't remember well, he knew she was beautiful and loving. He was beyond excited to meet her, but that moment would never come, he had never felt more alone.
He couldn't see past the tears, they burned his eyes, but his heart hurt more than anything else. He felt someone press against him, seeing Cricket's vague shape wrapping her arms around him. He didn't understand why, but it only forced more emotion to pour out of him.
"I don't know why I've never heard of you... but if you're reacting like this, you must be related to him..." She said softly, keeping her head pressed on his shoulder. "I can tell you've been keeping this in for a while, I have too, maybe we aren't so different..."

"Everybody's the same, we all bleed, we all cry... we all hurt. I learned that a long time ago, it's one of the few things I remember about Mom. She taught me that we all need to get along, and she told me that there's beauty in the pain, I never understood it until now... Cricket, you're beautiful when you cry." Paris thought to himself, "But this isn't my home, no, I see that now. It's yours. I don't belong here, but I will not let anyone harm you. You deserve a home, everyone does. We may not be related through this world, but you're my family."
He didn't say anything, but he hoped that Cricket could feel it.
He slowly wrapped his tail around her, opening his eyes as the tears stopped, looking deeply into Cricket's eyes.
"Now that you say it, your eyes are just like his..."
"You knew my father?"
"I told you, he's my brother." He smiled, rubbing her head.
Cricket shook her head and laughed in return. "I didn't believe you, but I guess it's true. That makes you, what, my uncle?"
"Half-uncle, but yeah."
"Uncle Paris... gross, I hate it." She giggled, jokingly smacking his muzzle before getting up and turning away. "Alright, we've wasted enough time. Let's head back.

Paris nodded, following behind her. It may take some time to get over his brother, but if hope can survive in a different world entirely... maybe his future wouldn't be so bleak.

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