Chapter 8

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He kept running, he couldn't stop running until he understood this feeling. His body felt cold, something he wasn't used to.

"No! Why do I feel bad for him?! He deserved it, he needed to learn!" Leon yelped, panicking as this emotion overtook his mind. "I don't get it! I'm a god! I am the chaos, the disorder in... my world." He said, growing quieter as he began to slow down.
"Oh, my God. This isn't... my world."
Leon bit his tongue, starting to laugh again, his sinister "kh" chuckle echoed through the empty forest. He suddenly remembered a conversation that he had had with Raiverin, long before he arrived at his home. It was a little hard to recall, but it centered around the concept of alternate realities. The phrase "universal shifting" was deep in his memories, though he wasn't sure what it meant.
"I thought he was making stuff up, but if this isn't my reality, then I can change that. If what Raiverin said is true, I can manifest my own world."
Leon grinned and began to hop again, now in a frantic manner. He knew exactly what he wanted to do, he clapped his paws together, standing up on his hind legs.
"I've never felt so exhilarated before! Is that what purpose feels like?!" He purred, falling onto his back and rolling on the ground. "Oh, oh! I can't get enough, heheee!" He squealed.
"Alone?" He lifted his paw up, examining every inch of it. "No, I'm not alone. I won't be anymore." He lied on the ground, kicking his paws around as he continued to squeal and giggle to himself.
"I can't stop laughing! They're all so stupid, they're all gonna see what I can do! Understand what Leon Sai- ... why do I call myself that? That isn't my name, no. That's the name my family gave me, but Raiverin gave me a name too." He whispered, licking the inside of his mouth and feeling his tongue run against the sharp and jagged teeth that lie in his gums. He hummed curiously as he did, taking some time to thoroughly examine the feeling. He closed his eyes, sighing happily and cackling into the night.
"Pure, that's my name. name I am Purity, something this world desperately needs. Now then, can I remember what Raiverin said?"

He shifted onto his side, staring at the world sideways, yet it now seemed normal. Part of him wanted company, but he had grown accustomed to being alone. He knew that nobody would understand his views, and that was okay with him. Pure shut his eyes, purring softly as he went back into his memories.

From what he could recall, his mortal vessel had yet to be formed, he was simply a figure of life energy that resided in Heaven. He stood below Raiverin, the God looming over him. The conversation was rather lengthy, his memory doing him no favors in learning the truth. Although one moment stood out to him.

"Remember this, if you are ever in danger and I am not there, recite this phrase three times. 'Savanti alluro'. This will summon the most powerful God or Goddess, no matter where you are. They will assist you with anything you require, use this to your advantage, and complete your mission."
"Of course, sir. I'll never forget this. 'Savanti alluro'."

"Savanti alluro..." Pure whispered, smiling widely as he thought up his plan. "Savanti alluro... savanti alluro!"
He stood up quickly, waiting for someone to appear... and so he continued to stand. He heard nothing and saw nobody, he grunted and dropped back down.
"Of course he'd lie to me, Gods are no better than mortals on any level."
"Well, that seems a bit extreme." spoke a soft voice, they seemed very calm, like they were speaking to an old friend.

Pure spun around, meeting the gaze of the Goddess he had summoned, her figure was different than Raiverin's, resembling a leopard more than any housecat he knew of. Her shape warped and shook in the wind, she was much taller than any other God he had met. Pure was used to having to focus on Raiverin's jet black figure, this Goddess' bright gold almost hurt his eyes.
"You called for me, Purity?"
"Yes, thank you for arriving."
"Has your mission been a success?"
"In a way, but that isn't what I want to discuss."
She tilted her head slightly, crouching further to meet Pure's level. "What do you require then?"
Pure grinned, pressing his muzzle against hers, when speaking to Gods, this was a sign of deep respect. "I want to know what Raiverin was implying by "Universal Shifting". I can't understand it for the life of me."
"And you assume I know about this?"
"I would certainly hope so, Octavia. You're the Goddess of Time after all."

Octavia laughed softly, her long, thin tail swaying comfortably in the air.
"Oh, Purity. You're just as I remember. I will explain Shifting to you then. To Shift is to combine a reality with another, which has two possible outcomes. It could create a new reality with new life, although two of the same being cannot exist. Theoretically, it would select one of the two to survive in the New World. The second possibility is to completely wipe out both realities, I suppose there is a third, where both could occur... but it's highly unlikely."
"And how would one go about causing a Shift?"

Octavia grabbed Pure's head, forcing him to stare deeply into her solid white eyes.
"Purity. I will warn you once, and once only. Do not cause a Shift."
"I won't, Octavia. I simply want to know, you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat."
"But satisfaction brought it back. Promise me, Purity, I cannot allow you to do this."
"Octavia, you know me. I could never disobey a Goddess like you."
"Very well, listen closely. You must find a God with the Havenstone, they must be willing to Shift, that is the only way."
"A mortal couldn't take the Havenstone?"
"No, but... actually, I should not tell you that."
Pure grinned madly, nodding slowly. "I understand, that's all I wanted to know. Thank you very much, Octavia. I wish you safe travels back home, may I join you soon."
She nodded in return, looking up to the night sky and soaring away into the air, to wherever the Gods resided. Pure watched as she flew away, cackling louder the further she got. He couldn't tell if she was just ignorant or if she just didn't care, either way, she had just set his plan into motion.

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