Your Plans Are The Worst

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Yoko and Divina barged into Ajax and Kent's dorm. The two were watching a movie together in Ajax's bed and jumped startled at the intrusion. "What the hell?" Kent asked.

"Dulce went to Hunter, so for the love of god, please tell me you know where he lives," Yoko got straight to the point.

Ajax jumped to his feet. "Dulce did what!"

"Here." Divina handed him the note so he could read it. Kent read it over his shoulder too. "Are you fucking kidding me!" He looked up from the paper. "She promised me she wouldn't go to him!"

"Yeah, and she broke that promise, so tell me where he lives!" Yoko repeated.

"We don't know his address," Kent answered. "Just that he lives in the town over."

"Fuck!" Yoko put her hands on her head and began to pace. "What do we do?"

Divina grabbed the note back and pulled out her phone. "I think it's time to gather up with the others." She called Bianca first and waited for her to pick up.

After two rings she did. "Hey," Bianca greeted.

"We have an emergency. Are you with Enid and Wednesday?"

"Yeah. What's going on?"

"Just meet us at the gates of the school. Grab Eugene too. I'm already with the others."

"Okay, yeah. See ya in a bit."

Divina hung up. "Okay, let's start heading to the gates. I need to make another call while we walk." They started walking as Divina clicked on a contact that she was now really glad she saved. She held the phone to her ear and waited, hoping they would answer since it wasn't like they had her number.

After four rings, the call was answered. "Hello?"

"Aria, it's Divina. We have a problem."

"What the hell happened?"

"Can you and the others meet us at the gates of the school? I can explain everything then."

"We'll be there in fifteen." Aria ended the call.

Yoko groaned as they left the boys dorm hall and started to head to the gates. "Seriously? Aria's going to kill me!"

"We need her help." Divina grabbed Yoko's hand. "And I won't let her kill you, don't worry." Though even she knew that would prove to be difficult.

The group of four walked in silence until they reached the gates where Eugene already was. "Hey," he greeted nervously. "Enid called me and said to meet here. What's going on?"

"I'll explain when everyone gets here," Divina answered. And a few minutes later, Bianca, Enid, and Wednesday arrived.

"Alright, what's going on?" Bianca asked.

"Not yet, we're still waiting for Dulce's family."

"Speaking of," Eugene glanced through the group, "where is Dulce?"

"That's what we're here to talk about."

Enid's eyes slowly widened. "Don't tell me she went to Hunter!"

Divina sighed and decided to just hand them the paper. "Read that. Panic amongst yourselves, but we're not discussing it until her family gets here."

Enid grabbed the paper and they all read it before beginning to panic and complain about how stupid Dulce was being. Though Yoko didn't miss how Wednesday didn't bother to read the note. Just continuing to stand and stare off with her arms crossed in silence. She would say it was a little odd. Not completely because, well, Wednesday. But her curiosity should have at least made her read the note. Why didn't she? Yoko kept it in mind for later.

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