Let's Go To The Mall

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Walking through the mall was fun. Dulce made sure to keep a good distance between her and the couple, sticking to Ajax's side like glue. The two ran around going in and out of stores, buying things they didn't need. Dulce bought Ajax a beautiful flower beanie where on the front black part it read "kindly fuck off" in cursive. In turn, Ajax bought Dulce a black beanie that had a green triceratops riding a skateboard. They both put them on immediately.

After that they ended up going to Build-a-bear, because why not? Ajax and Dulce agreed to make each other's bears so they took turns going in so it would be a surprise. Once they both finished they gave them to each other and laughed like crazy.

Dulce made Ajax a green frog wearing black shoes, black pants, and a black shirt. She named him Timay. Like Timmy but with an "a" sound instead of an "e" sound. The recorded message was her saying in a deep voice "hop around and find out, punk." Meanwhile, Ajax got her a frog that was a mix of a pale blue and purple wearing black pants, a white shirt, a grey vest, and a blue bow tie with a little black top hat to finish it off. He named him His Majesty. The recorded message was him speaking in a rather perfect British accent shouting "off with your head!"

They both loved their new frogs and hugged each other tightly as thanks. Divina watched with a smile. She thought it was cool how close the two were, and she knew it wasn't romantic which kind of made it better. She glanced at Yoko to try to see what she was thinking, but Yoko clearly wasn't as happy. She was glaring at the two while they hugged and her red eyes glowed in anger.

Divina rolled her eyes. "They're just friends, babe."

Yoko's head snapped to Divina. "Wha—why would I care about that?"

Divina raised an eyebrow as the group started to walk again. "You tell me." She wanted to see if Yoko would admit it.

But Yoko swallowed nervously. "I don't—I don't know what you're talking about. I don't care. Why would I?"

Divina sighed and let go of Yoko's hand before running up to Dulce and linking their arms together. She looked over her shoulder at Yoko and stuck her tongue out at her before joining the conversation with Ajax and Dulce. If Yoko didn't want to admit it, then Divina would just have to mess with her a little too. Because Divina isn't a jealous person, but she is a petty one.

Yoko blinked as she watched confused. What just happened? Why was Divina basically cuddled up into Gemma's side? She couldn't help but feel jealous as a growl built in her throat. But she couldn't tell who she was jealous of. Did she want to be in Gemma's position? Or did she want to be in Divina's? She crossed her arms and glared at the two as she walked behind the three.

This became the norm. Divina stuck to Gemma's side and Yoko didn't understand why she was doing that. She kept sending Yoko smirks and knowing looks, like she knew this was bothering her. But then why was she doing it?

Dulce didn't know why Divina was acting like this either. But she didn't mind. Dulce would say she's a pretty affectionate person, so Divina suddenly becoming all touchy was weird but not unwelcome. Though the problem came when they decided to go to the food court to get something to eat. They got some Panda Express, but the person working there told Dulce and Divina they made a cute couple.

And before Dulce had the chance to correct them, Divina smiled and said, "Thanks!" They grabbed their food and sat down, Divina snatching the spot next to Dulce.

Yoko sat across from Divina with a glare and leaned in to whisper. "What the hell are you doing?"

Divina smirked and threw her own words back in her face. "I don't know what you're talking about." She took a bite of her food.

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