I am Yours and You are Mine

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I still long for you.
In every corner of every day, my heart cries out to you.
From across the county, every fiber of my heart begs for you.

I have become resigned that while I may not get to lie beside you in this life or the next, my very being will reach out to you until the end of time. If it takes a thousand years, I swear that I will not find rest until we can finally be together again.

I will still belong to you after we have passed and our bones have turned to ash. After our ashes dissolve with the ages and we turn to carbon drifting through the atmosphere, I swear that even then, I will love you. If it takes one-hundred years or one-hundred-thousand, we will be together again; even if it as atoms of energy intertwined at the dawn of a new star.

I was made for you and you for me. In this life we may not be together, but I will fight for you in the next, and the next, and after the Earth has crumbled and its people have wholly forgotten our memory, you and I will still be the same. I yours, and you mine.

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