A Trick of the Light

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We wandered through the art gallery and I watched you change from a man appeasing a woman to a man meeting his inner self for the first time.

There we stood -silent in awe of a masterpiece. I watched you imagine a life on the ocean, amidst the frozen peaks, beneath the big, blue sky, and I felt something stir in my bones that I hadn't felt in a very long time.

Who could blame me for confusing the intimacy of the moment for intimacy between you and I?

And who could blame me when I refused to let that memory go, grasping onto it, clinging to it, leaving my claws dug deep into your being for the sake of preserving that moment for an eternity?

I could not have known that without imagination art is just paint upon paper, or that without my fantasy you remain just a man, devoid of passion.

"I thought we were falling in love," I whispered.

"It must have been a trick of the light," you replied.

You looked at me with the same fealty you gave the Aurora borealis, for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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