VI: Underneath the Rubble of the Aftermath

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Christina Feison is the resident doctor of the Castellanos. And as the resident doctor, she's very much informed about everything that goes around the occupants of the estate. Yes. Everything including the mafia related ones.

She doesn't really mind.

The job is a well-paying one and besides, it's like a family there.

However, being the doctor for a mafia family would mean plenty of bloody injuries.

Dr. Feison doesn't really know much about the matters revolving the recent attack in the 7th division. The casualties took up a giant portion... thankfully though, most of the guests were able to escape before the massacre took place. As for their wounded brothers, only one survived to be taken care of- Black Clown.

The doctor's baby heels clink softly as she walked towards the occupied bed.

Black Clown is still unconscious- mostly because of the sleeping drugs she purposefully injected into his system for better rest and recovery. His arm will be heeling without permanent damage, but as for his leg, he will most likely be limping even after the pain of mortal wounds disappear.

The unoccupied infirmary is eerily quiet, except for the steady breathing of the lone patient and the sounds of her shuffling and milling.

Her communicator beeps.

"Dr. Feison, this is Giovanni."

"Hey Giovanni", she smiles fondly. As always, the older man's voice is devoid of unnecessary emotions.

"Signor Luis would like to know about the Black Clown's current state."

"Oh... he's doing just fine. Though, he's still asleep... I injected some drugs to induce a long one... he needs it."

"I see. Thank you for the report, Dr. Feison."

"No problem. Tell Boss to refrain from stressing out too much."

"Will do. Take care, Dr. Feison."


As soon as the device let out the sound, Christina Feison sighed a bit too dramatically.

The 7th division's destruction proved to be handful. It was an excellently planned blow. So much that it greatly distressed the Castellano siblings.

The mafia's prior twelve divisions crippled to eleven.

Dr. Feison may not be into managing things, but she knows well how big of an impact the lost of the casino is to the Castellano system. With a limb severed, the family's control over Sta. Teresa loosened.


"Valentin's dead."

Even Xhiu couldn't believe it.

Valentin Vasquez is a veteran. The reason why Luis continued to entrust to him the gambling division- one of the greatest and most powerful three divisions of the Castellano mafia- is because he does his work and he's extremely good at it. He wouldn't die easily.

"It was a massacre", Monica stabs his blueberry pancake a bit too brutally. The blank look on her face, the pained quirk of her mouth are big evidences to her extreme dislike of the events that occurred yesterday. The confirmed annihilation of the 7th division only added up to her depression over the loss of her beloved convertible... not that Alicia did not laugh off amusedly at her loss and promised to make her a better "toy".

"So we're now a now a bit crippled", the Asian sips her herbal tea.

Discussing massacre and losing-control-over-Sta.-Teresa possibilities during breakfast is a rude thing to do. However, the dining is bare of people except for the two of them. Better discuss what you want to discuss without the presence of others.

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