Disclaimer and Author's Note

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Any event or person harboring semblance to that of the real world, is but a mere coincidence.

For the purpose of realism, the author decided to use real places.

In the case of Sta. Teresa Independent Island State, however, it is an imaginary island. It doesn't exist, and was only created to suit the story.

The author would also like to point out that all parts of the story belongs to her. And other authors or readers, when interested to use or borrow them, should first indicate that the said chara was only borrowed from the author.

It should also be pointed out and acknowledged that most of the characters have real human frame work. Such, the author would like to thank them even if some of them are quite unaware.

Anyway, the author would like everyone of you to enjoy. So please, do so. You are also welcome to ask questions... though, it should be something that wouldn't disrupt any part of the story.



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