VII: The Chase

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It has been a week since the fall of the 7th division. The mafia operations of the Castellano family partially turned to normal. Although, they could somehow feel the disappearance of a valuable limb.

Luis put her under the duty of seeing to the mad scientist's needs.

Thus, explains her present predicament.

If there's one thing she likes less than uneventful tasks, it would be being chased by police officers. Yes. Even though the Castellano family is one of Santa Teresa's backers, they still suffer occasional police interruption- INTERNATIONAL police interruption. Nothing's more bothersome than those cocky, tall, perfectly-built bastards in suits hunting down your sorry ass (though this time, they're subtle enough to abandon those suits).

Even in her prime condition, it's quite hard to outrun them.

How she came down to this situation- can only be explained by recalling the events that transpired prior.

Rigel's day started quite normally.

After the annoying beep of her digital alarm clock, she rolled a bit before sluggishly getting up. Without taking a shower (Damn, it's too cold... what else can I do?!), she throws on a pair of clean camouflage pants, a black hoodie and a fur-lined black jacket.

She got over the rest of her tasks in a daze- brushing her untamable blond curls, strapping on weapons and lacing her combat boots.

After taking one last look around her perfectly tidied room, she went out- slamming the door behind her.

Unlike the foolish fanciness of Xhiu Rin's bedroom, Rigel's own space in the mafia main house didn't even come close to the word "rich" nor "girlish". Sure, there are feminine touches here and there... like the vase if carnations and snapdragon-patterned wallpaper Signorina Pia had insisted on deploying in her room.

However, it still looks more like a military bunk than a place for a fairly beautiful girl to sleep in.

Her bed, situated at the center just like in any other rooms, is covered with drab gray sheets. Her nightstand's bare of any photos or evidences of occupancy, except for a plain white lampshade and a digital alarm clock. A window permanently covered with heavy navy drapes fills the west side of the room, while at the east end, a primping table of black wood and a shelf filled with weapons stand. Beside the bed, is a door leading to two more sections- the walk-in closet and the personal comfort room/bathroom facing it.

There are no paintings nor pictures... no books. She's quite the minimalist.

Rigel makes her way to the dining.

Her room's situated at the end of the east wing- something she had asked personally to the past Castellano mafia boss (Luis's father) as her birthday gift.

There are no audible shuffling in the corridor yet. The other mafiosi, apparently, are not early risers.

The sun is yet to come up... so the hallway oriel window drapes are still closed.

She walked quietly until she reached the dining.

When the hallway's quiet, the dining's the slight opposite. There are a few members who like taking an early breakfast, just like her.

The wonderful scent of fried eggs, morning meat, bitter coffee, baked goods, sweet chocolate and burnt sugar welcomed her. Soft clinking of utensils and chatters filled the air in a quite pleasant blend... so unlike the late morning state of the hall.

Rigel walks toward the barely filled main table.

Pia looks up, smiling from her seat at the right immediate of the head of the family's chair, "Buenas dias, Rigel."

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