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"until she uttered his name, and it broke everything."


a week later...

Hajoon was sent to juvenile to be further investigated after Chenle communicated with the police. To celebrate, all the firefighters in Unit 3 sat around a camp fire in the training yard of the station, eating bbq skewers and drinking alcohol. It was a homey atmosphere. Everyone laughing, singing, and talking. The soft illumination from the fire painted yellow and orange glows upon the young people's faces, their smile bright and laughs melodious.

As much as firefighting is an extremely dangerous job, it also bonded these people so tightly together. They fought together, and protected each other.

"Cheers to Arin's genius plan of getting rid of that disgusting stalker!" Haechan yelled, standing up and raising his glass.

"Cheers to our captain returning to the station!" Jaemin followed, raising his can of beer in the air as well.

"Cheers to our doctor successfully returning to our station!" Jeno did the same thing. Everyone had wide smiles, and it was the first time in ages that no one had missions, and no one had to worry about anything. Jisung, Renjun, Arin and Chenle all stood up, rose their glasses and bumped cups.

Downing the alcohol, they returned to their seats as Haechan quickly suggested "Let's play a game. This is the first time we all get a break like this, so let's just let go and forget about everything"

"What game?" Renjun asked.

"Spin the bottle truth or dare" Haechan pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket.

"Since when did you ever have a deck of cards full of truths and dares?" Renjun laughed

"Don't ask questions" Haechan clicked his tongue "Anyways, everyone gather, and everyone has to play"

Haechan seemed to notice the odd quietness in Jisung today. Truth be told, Jisung never received an answer from Arin ever since he confessed. After all, she got into an accident then stayed in hospital for ages. She was just never given the chance to responded and Jisung seems to mutually admit that he would've gotten rejected anyways.

However, as the young, reckless boy he is, he still desperately wanted to know the answer.

Haechan spun the bottle on the middle, landing on Mark.

"Truth or dare" Haechan clapped his hands

"Truth" Mark responded, then taking a card from the Truth Deck.

"What was the thing you regret most in your life?" Mark read "Um...Not being able to save everyone, I guess. It just hurts when you see a life disappear right in front of your eyes"

All the firefighters fell into silence, as if relating to his answer. Each and every one of them have experienced this exact thing: failing to protect the people they vowed to protect. Slowly, they've all learnt to accept that not everyone can be saved, but as long as they work hard enough, they can save more each time.

Renjun placed a hand on Mark's shoulder as Haechan lifted the atmosphere again and spun the bottle. This time, it landed on Jisung.

"Truth or dare" Haechan asked

"Dare" Jisung replied. A chorus of cheers erupted within the group. Jisung was never the type to choose dare, but it must've been the alcohol and the awkward tension between him and Chenle. Jisung then took a card from the deck.

"Kiss the person opposite" Jisung read. The words didn't process in his mind until he looked up to see Arin's round eyes staring back at him. She seemed shocked, and maybe even a bit scared. More cheers exploded within the group, many clapping and edging him on. Chenle's eyes fled downwards, taking a swig of alcohol to press the jealousy down in his stomach.

Jisung stood up, slowly, very slowly, approaching Arin. Arin blinked, a strange voice chanting in her head.

Stop him. Chenle. Stop him.

She never knew how much she had fallen for the Captain till now, where she desperately wanted him to do something about this situation. Perhaps she was also testing, to see what Chenle would actually do. Jisung was close to her now, his body leant over and one of his hands pressed against the arm of her chair. She pressed her back against the chair, cheeks flushing a pink from being flustered.

Jisung didn't say anything, but stared at her in this position. It wasn't until Haechan pushed him forward that his face flew towards Arin's, his grip around the chair tightening.

"Don't be so scared. It's just a game" Haechan laughed, whistling. He clearly didn't sense the weighing tension between Jisung and Chenle.

"You don't have to Jisung-" Jeno began, only to notice Jisung's gaze flickering downwards. It was clear to everyone in the circle; Jisung wanted to.

Jealousy, rage, and anger surged in and out of Chenle's body. Before he knew it, he had downed an entire bottle of beer.

"Are you okay?" Jaemin nudged Chenle, who in fact, didn't look very okay. It was like a pit of lava boiling within him, waiting to erupt like a volcano. Every ounce of him wanted to move, and throw Jisung away. It was like someone he had cherished so dearly, was being stolen right in front of his eyes, yet he had no right nor reason to steal her back. He wished he was the one that did the card. He wished he was the one in front of her at this very moment.

Just as Jisung was about to flutter his eyes shut, Chenle stood up, knocking his chair over and grasped Arin's wrist. Jisung's eyes snapped open, body stumbling backward as he watched Chenle rip Arin away from him, yanking her out from her seat and dragging her away. Jisung couldn't even say a word besides watch Chenle pull Arin away from the circle of people. No one dared to speak. As if if someone spoke, the entire atmosphere would shatter.

"Chenle- Ow, stop" Arin struggled against his grip, furrowing her eyebrows as she was very literally hauled toward wherever Chenle was heading. Soon, the two arrived in the secluded garage of the station, where all the trucks were parked. The lights were dim; the only illumination existent was the soft rays of the moonlight. It painted gentle patches of yellow upon the girls skin, like a ribbon of gold was draped over her cheek.

Chenle didn't let go of her wrist, or rather, he stood facing away from her, breaths laboured and heart heavy. That feeling where his will was barely constraining his actions was overwhelming, as if there was a chain wrapped around his throat. Arin simply stood there, shocked at the turn of events. No one spoke. No one breathed.

Until she uttered his name, and it broke everything.

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