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"i'm sorry. i came late."


"Wrap up guys!" Chenle yelled, packing up the last of the equipment after finishing a mission. The mission was to extinguish a fire that was lit in a kitchen at an apartment block. It was a lot more severe than they anticipated, but nothing they haven't seen before. After 5 hours of battling with the fires, everything has been restored.

"Good job today" Jeno clapped as everyone filed back on the bus. The moment Chenle sat down, he opened his phone, quickly typing a message in an attempt to text her. Unluckily for him, his phone died as he was about to click the send button.

"Oooo" Haechan, who sat behind Chenle, popped up, trying to see what's on Chenles screen "Who you texting?"

"Shut up" Chenle hissed, but felt uneasy on the inside. He didn't want Arin to worry about him.

"Just an announcement" Jeno exclaimed, waving his phone screen around as everyone else simultaneously got the notification too "Taeyong just sent a notice that training will be strictly to schedule starting tomorrow. There will be no breaks and no free time. Please let all your loved ones know that you'll be unreachable for a week or so"

Chenle let out a heavy exhale, his head hitting the window. There goes the possibility of any more dates. But at least he was thankful that he could still see her around at the station.

Within an hours time, the truck pulled up at the station and everyone rushed to get off to get some sleep in. Chenle stepped off the truck, to be greeted by Misoon with an unexplainable expression plastered on her face.

"She's been waiting for hours. You better let her know you're back" Misoon smiled "She just came down from the rooftop.

"The rooftop?"

"She goes there often to try and see you. She says that she can see the illumination of the fire from up there. It gives her a peace of mind. She's in her room now"

With not even a seconds of hesitation, Chenle rushed to her room, not taking off his uniform or even putting his helmet down, he simply bolted towards her.

"Arin" He called as he pushed the door open. Arin stood, at her windowsill, poking at the jar with the firefly in it. As she turned around, everything happened in slow motion. Their eyes connected. Their hearts leapt. Their lungs suffocated.

"Chen-" Arin couldn't even finish her sentence before she heard the clatter of his helmet against the floor, and his hands on her face. The moment their lips attached, the surging warmth flooded her entire body. There were messages exchanged between them through their kiss.

I'm sorry. I came late.

It's okay. At least you're safe.

Arin's fingers clutched onto his shirt in desperate desire to tell herself that he's right here, and he's okay. It was as if she was clutching onto him like he would disappear from her grip if she let go. As if he was her lifeline, and everything would disappear if she lost his touch.

Chenle's hands, decorated with ash and blood,
cupped her skin, but gently, ever so gently as if he was holding the petal of a rose in his hands. Their lips moved in a slow syncopation, but it was obvious how desperate they were to hold each other. To never let go and for this moment to never end. Because this was the only time they can pretend all is fine, and they live in a utopia.

Per Chenle's habit, he pushed forward, angling his head so she was forced to stand on her tip toes. From the sudden change, Arin exhaled, her lips momentarily leaving his. Chenle gave no time for her to breathe oxygen before connecting their lips again. She could feel his rough uniform against her skin, and his hands messily grasping her face. It was a kiss full of hunger, and longing, as if Chenle hasn't seen her for years.

"Wait" She pushed against his shoulder, chest heaving up and down "Your arm"

Chenle glanced down briefly at the cut across his right arm, as if a massive blade had sliced through his skin.

"Whatever" Chenle shook his head, returning to attempting to press his lips against hers only to have her push away again.

"No. It's not whatever" Arin forced him to sit down "Come"

Arin had to physically drag him towards her office, where every step he took he groaned in annoyance that their moment had to be interrupted because of some minor cut.

Unexpectedly, however, when she arrived at her office, there was already a queue waiting for her. They all watched as Arin shoved Chenle into her office, essentially giving him a free pass to cut the queue.

"Hey!" Haechan yelled "Why does he get to-"

Jaemin shoved Haechan's arm "You're so dense"

"What" Haechan scoffed

"Look" Jaemin pointed at the two "There's definitely something going on between them. Like I mean, look at how Chenle's looking at Arin. Have you ever seen Chenle make eye contact with someone that isn't a death stare?"

It was true. Chenle's gaze was penetrating through her, a subtle smile upon his lips. Arin treated his wound, bandaging his arm securely without saying another word.

"Stop staring" Arin chuckled "The others are watching"

"It's okay. I don't care if they think I like you" Chenle responded nonchalantly, receiving a pinch to the wounded arm.

"Ow" Chenle winced

"Serves you right" Arin retorted "Get out. I got to deal with everyone else"

Chenle groaned as he was very literally dragged out by Arin. As Chenle left the room, he returned to his stern stance and cleared his throat, greeting the rest of the firefighters.

"Captain" Haechan exclaimed excitedly "Captain Captain. Is there something going on between you and Arin? Spill everything"

Chenle chuckled, slotting his hands into his pocket "I like her"

The room erupted with cheers, that Arin, who was cleaning her tools in her office to prep for the next person, turned to look through the window.

"So if I catch any of you hitting her up, you know what happens" Chenle glared at each of them, who all faked a scared expression

"Okay okay" Renjun rose his hands up in defense, laughing along with the others

Chenle smiled "She's mine"

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