Devil's angel🔞

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Genre: Smut n slight fluff

Contains: cursing, riding, rough sex

Enjoy it! :)

Felix was tired of this game.

Tired because his life used to be so wonderful, peacful and unproblematic.
Until exactly one, beautiful day when the devil itself decided to barge into his life and go on his nerves for whatever reason. The blonde could be never in peace after that, one particular day and it's bothered him to death.

Like why can't that two horned idiot just hope off his dick and leave him alone for god's sake?

What annoyed him the most is that his friend who took his complaints so lightly after telling him about this unpleasant incident. Whenever this topic was brought up, it was almost like the brunette took the devil's side instead of his own besfriend's.

How kind of him.

"I'm tired of this shit Jisung and even you can't understand my pain. I'm done"
The blonde groaned at his friend frustratedly, burrying his face into his small palms.

"Come on Felix, it's so obvious that man has the hots for you. Can't you see it?"

The brunette explained calmly. In the moment he just wished he could slap his hopeless friend awake to finally acknowledge what's actually going on.

"Can't I see what!? He's literally harrassing me with his presence all day long, that fucker has no life even in this damned universe." Snapped back the younger, his eyes piercing with annoyance as he threw himself on the bed.

Why can't Jisung just not disregard his words for once? What does he even see in that idiot?

"Lix, he doesn't do anything bad beside failing to give you more private space.
I'm telling you he has no bad intention towards you and everytime you tried to paint him bad it sounded like he's just simply flirting with you. Maybe he just want to lay you down. You know, to do the devil's tango" The brunette man wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

"The fuck Jisung"

The younger grabbed a pillow and threw it straight to his friend's face but luckily Jisung managed to prevent the hit in time by dodging the soft,object to the side.

"What? It's just the truth. You know how much influence you have on people and how many of them would kill to be with you. Maybe he's not any different from them, you are just a natural magnet and have a great luck at attracting even hot devil's with probably big dick" Jisung smirked as he explained, loving to see how his friend's face morphed into a more shocked and grumpy expression second by second.

"Ahhh. You know what? Get out! I want to be alone right now" The blonde snapped at his friend, fumbling to grab another pillow to throw again.

"Alright buddy but just in case you need a good advice, maybe you should just make a deal where you sleep with him in exchange to leave you alone. Have a nice day Lix"

The squirrel like boy bid his last goodbye and with that he left the room, leaving a completly drained out and confused blonde on his own.

Felix let out a tiny sigh and rolled over to his side.

Sleep with the devil? Have Jisung lost his sane?

He was an angel, moreover a very well known one and loved by everyone around the area. How would it look if he went to screw with a person that was supposed to be his bloody enemy for an eternity?
Though it still made Felix stop and think of his friend's hasty thoughts.

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