The pretty girl

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Beyonce Pov:

Walking through the club with kelly I was drunk and ready to go home but Kelly was looking for Tim, I soon sat down and felt the couch dip next to me I didn't know who it was but I just layed my shoulder on them and then I felt thin jump

"Oh s-sorry" I said. The pretty girl just nodded getting up and walking away. Then Kelly came back to me 'thank god' I thought. "Kelly are we leaving"

"Yes come on, Tim letssss go now" she said. I couldn't wait to get home, blue was just gonna have to ride the bus for the tomorrow cause I couldn't do it.

Going to the car I fell on my ass and that shit hurted, no one helped me up.


I got up and walked to the back seat slamming the door as we rode to my house

"Bye beyonce, I'll text you when I made it home love you" Kelly said I just waved while going in my house.. as soon as I walked in blue Ivy was running around with her iPad and pillows on the floor everywhere. "Blue. Ivy. Carter. What are you doing and give me this iPad" I snatched it from her "I'm sorry but blue has a bed time, I'm pretty sure your mommy has scheduled one for you so goodnight honey" I said

"Blue go to bed." She nodded before walking up the stairs. After she went to sleep I went and did my night routine and went to bed


"Mommy" blue said as I passed her the syrup.

"Yes blueberry?" I said

"Can my friend come over after school today pleaseeee" she begged. I sighed looking at her.

"Sure but we have to get you on the bus and then I'm gonna check you out around 12 because I seen your nails the other day and chileee" I said and she smiled hugging me

"THANK YOU MOMMY!" She said and I giggled.


Walking through the school it's been hours since this morning and I'm tired but I need to get blue so she can get her nails done, I was looking at emails with my head down while walking and I bumped into someone "owww" I said

"Oh sorry ma'am, zariah was in my way." The girl said I looked up and she was the same girl from the club.

"It's okay excuse me" I said walking around her to go to the front office.

After getting blue and taking her to get her nails done her friend was supposed to be coming over here.

Onikas pov:

I was pulling up to Zaria's friend house. Surprisingly we lived in the same neighborhood. We had just moved here and we're kinda new to the town so I'm happy that z is making friends this early

Parking in the drive way I told Z to go knock on the door. The door opened and the same lady from the school a club was standing there. I didn't mind or even care so I just pulled out my phone waiting until Z came back to tell me everything was okay that was until a knock was on my window

I rolled the window down and the blonde was there smiling at me, "beyonce" she said and I put out a confused face "beyonce that's my name.. and you are?"

"Onika" I said lowly. She just said okay and walked away. Rude.

Then Z came back to the car "Ms bey wanted to know if you'd like to come inside." She asked. I sighed getting out the car to come in side

It was nice until I heard her yell "KITCHEN" I walked to the kitchen so fast you would think something was wrong with me

"Wow isn't it cool we met at a club then I ran into you again and now you're in my kitchen looking scared. Well I'm 34 and I own Ivy park and I'm a songwriter, you" she said

" I- I don't do I really have to tell you what I do. I thought a simple hey could go pretty far but I guess not." I said and she chuckled

" I just wanna be friends" she said and I nodded.

This was gonna be a long day. Surprisingly we kicked it really well and she ended up getting a little too close but I was okay with it. After we hung out, we became girlfriends and have 5 children

The end

I'm playing


I left her house and went to mines.



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