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I run into my house to shelter from the frostbitten outdoors. Even when the sun is blasting its rays on Cedarwood, the town remains as cold as the South Atlantic. I sit on my sofa and sulk for five minutes. I've lost too much in my life. I'm not at work today as usual, of course. The day of day on routine is still put on my workdays. Suddenly, as I sink into the comfortable sofa and almost fall asleep, a notification blasts through my phone's speaker.

It is Alex.

I will not put you on shift tomorrow because I am busy with my personal life. I'm giving my professional life a break for tomorrow. I have a meeting with a friend. Sorry if this is an inconvenience.

From Alex x x

I threw the phone at the other end of the couch. No work. Wonderful. If he is not in the house tomorrow, that could mean breaking in and sneaking about will be easier. I'm telling you this guy is up to no good. I switch on the TV. After watching a film and wasting away on alcohol, I nod off to sleep and have a dream.


Xavier jumps on my bed and his stocky build crushes my legs to a pulp.

"Wake up, it's birthday time!" Xavier launched himself next to me as I lay in bed. My eyes feel drier than the Sahara Desert. I groaned in an unmotivated manner.

"Come on, it's your birthday. Get up, woman!" Xavier slaps me around the cheek softly.

I still stand my ground and cover myself up with the duvet. I curl up into a little ball and almost drift into sleep again. The morning sunshine beamed through the white bedroom curtains. Xavier shakes me and tries his best to wake me up.

"I guess you don't want a birthday cake then?" Xavier teased me to pry me out of sleep.

I can't resist cake. I'm a terrible sugar addict. Yet I have the skin of an angel. I guess all that jogging and makeup has done me good. I jumped out of bed and Xavier took me into the living room. It's very quiet. The only thing making noise is the kitchen clock.

"Surprise!" My family jumped out of all corners of the integrated kitchen and living room.

It's a surprise party. Xavier did this for sure, bless him. My heart struggles to keep up with the shock my body has taken. I am overwhelmed with joy and happiness. The white curtains were gleaming with sunlight and all the rooms were illuminated in the morning sun.

"Happy Birthday Skyler!" they shouted in unison. The bungalow is now filled with chatter.

They sit me down at the wooden kitchen table like I am a queen. My sister Katie and my mother Carrie brought a chocolate cake with 22 candles on it. The cream is seeping out of the inside and the cherries glow a gorgeous red.

"Awwww." I showed my gratitude and hugged them all.

I make a wish and blow the candles as hard as I possibly can. The entire family cheers like we have won the lottery. Xavier wraps his arms around me like a massive teddy bear. He has got to be the most comfortable person to be with on Earth. My body felt like it had just been crushed by a boulder.

My mother is wearing a pink cardigan and baggy jeans as usual. My aunt, Dad, uncles and Grandad Smith hugged me lovingly. Nothing can surely get bad. Because everything is going great.


I woke up, and I realised I had slept in until four in the afternoon. My mind snaps back to reality when I don't see Xavier's face. I miss him. Now Katie has left me. I felt thirsty for more alcohol and decided to walk to the bar down the street. It's already dark outside and everything is covered in a panther-black blanket of nighttime.

As I stamp through the high and thick sludgy snow, I twist the pub doorknob and I am greeted with a friendly cheer between two men. They are drunk. The door closes, and the tavern is brightened with an alcoholic orange colour. It smells like Lynx Africa and Whiskey in here. I walked over to a table and scrolled around TikTok for a few minutes.

The Tavern is an inferno of warmth in comparison to the outside. I slide my phone into my coat pocket and a lady walks up to me.

"Are you okay?" The lady asked me. She has smooth and creamy white coloured hair.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for asking, but I'd like some time for myself. Sorry."

I clench my right hand secretively with guilt. A blonde woman sitting on a bar stool drinks an entire mug of alcohol within five seconds.

"Okay. Have a good day young lady." The old woman leaves the tavern and the icy breeze invades the room with speed and the heat disintegrates.

I stand up, walk to the bar and pay for a pint.

Before I knew it, I had five drinks, and now I am pissed out of my mind. I amble down the streets and back home before I end up in the ocean or somewhere. After a five-minute walk, I launch myself onto my living room sofa at home. I constantly swear at myself for drinking so much considering I have a plan to make for 'tomorrow'.

The plan would be that tomorrow night I would sneak into Alex's home and avoid security. I'd go back into the secret room and snatch the photos. Eventually, I'd escape and 'boom'. I would be out in no time.

The house's silence stirred my stomach as its eerie atmosphere clouded my mind of its thoughts.

After a few minutes of writing a plan to invade Alexander's house, a loud knock ricochets through the house. Someone is at the front door. For some reason, my heart felt like it had skipped a beat. I run and steadily turn the bronze doorknob. I was met by the friendly face of a blonde woman with immaculate skin.

"Hey. You left your purse in the tavern. I spotted it before you left." She sweeps her smooth hair behind her ear.

"Oh, thank you." I stuttered as I clasped the purse with delicacy.

"Quite cold out here, ain't it?" The blonde woman sounds European.

"Cold is an understatement." I chuckled.

"Come in and have a cuppa. Thank you for rushing over here to lend me my purse back." I shut the door, and we sat down in the living room.

"No problem. My name is Lydia Rodgers." Lydia tucks her hair behind her ear.

So Lydia is one of the paintings around the mansion. Maybe I can get something out of her. Unless Alex and Lydia have the same last names by pure coincidence...

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