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I clean the garage mess up and enter my garden. My new job has allowed me to improve my home and expand it. Living in the old bungalow beforehand was awful. The insulation was so poor in my old home before I met Alex that the wallpaper had iced up almost.

The only person I could think of who has stolen the bike is Alex. But why would he? I shiver and hug myself to keep the warmth in my body as I make my way to the garden shed. I left an alarm system inside and I could use it for the house considering someone just burgled it. I sprint back into the house and drop the box of security bits and pieces. I prepare them and set them around the frame of the front door for future reference.

No one will get in and if they go through the garden they can't get through the back door or the windows once I get new locks fixed to them.

I just can't believe all of this has happened in a week. Murders and the lot. It's so scary. I place the proximity alarms in the attic in case they get to the roof. I climb down the ladder, back downstairs and into the kitchen to make myself a coffee.

Armed Police POV: Thursday Night:

The large mansion overwhelms us with the feeling of dread. Anything could happen once we breach the building. I grip my ballistic shield and wait beside the front door. My fellow armed police officers who are also safely guarded by their Kevlar helmets and ballistic vests stack up on the right side. My mate Henri takes the battering ram and rapidly takes down the door with efficiency.

"Police!" I bellow and my voice echoes through the hallway. I make sure my ballistic shield is tight and we press through to a living room. The Christmas lights twinkle a bright green and we check every square inch.

"Clear!" I shout to Henri, Cole, Nick, Mike and Tomas.

"Clear! Proceed." Cole leads the way with a taser in one hand and the other ready to unleash lethal force on an armed person.

"The staircase is over there. Let's clear the ground floor first." I warn them.

Two other officers catch up to us. They are fitted with lightweight armour, equipped with earpieces and are carrying Heckler and Koch G36C's. We cleared another few rooms until we encountered some sort of gym which was illuminated in a neon dark blue. I check behind the door we knocked down and make sure we are clear.

"Clear!" We all announce in unison. We move out of the Gym and continue up the staircase I had spotted before. I lead the way with my ballistic shield. I don't know why they gave us this kit. What if there are armed personnel? A bloody ballistic shield won't do shit apart from protecting us from anything aside from grenades and guns. Grenades would be the least likely thing we might die from. But guns on the other hand...

We reach the second floor and the corridor is littered with rooms which are all locked by keypads. Int told us that private guards are on site to protect the building. If they are private, they aren't associated with the force. They might use lethality if they are here. I notice on door is slightly open.

"Arms in the air and come out of that room!" Cole yells.

I lead the way with my shield but suddenly someone jumps out from the end of the corridor. The creamy white walls reflect our flashlights. The whole place is dark.

"Hands up now! Someone is at the end of the corridor." I whisper to the group behind me.

Cole has my right side and so does Tomas. There is no sign of anyone showing up.

"We will use lethal force," I grunt and my voice echoes and bounces off the walls.

A gunshot smashes through the air and the sound claps through the halls.

"Piss off!" Someone at the end of the corridor yells over themselves when they fire the shot. We cower back downstairs and report the gunshot.

"We have a gunshot from most likely a shotgun. We don't know exactly but suspect or suspects are armed." Nick calls the shot in. A ballistic shield is not going to protect us anymore. I sling it onto my back and I grab my sidearm.

"Throwing M84!" Mike declares with a voice full of fear.

"Move!" I growl loudly and we fire a few warning shots when we move back to the second floor.

The flashbang had just enough radius to stun the prick. He was as visible as a tomato surrounded by lime fruits.

"Hands up. This is your last chance!" We shout.

However, the man wearing a hood reaches for his weapon. With precise trigger discipline, we all fire a few rounds to make sure he dies a painless death.

"Move forward guys. Check your corners." I sigh.

"Copy. Proceeding." The lads reply with a static inside my earpiece.

I make sure my sidearm is not jammed and check the mag. We move to the open room. I hesitantly throw a flash inside the bedroom. We move in and declare that it is clear. We still had the third floor to go, the garden and the attic if there is one. We proceed to another room opposite and bust it open with the ram.

"Arms high so we can see them!" I yell at the two young boys and three men.

"What are you boys doing here?" Nick demands an answer.

"Help us please." They both whimper and curl into their legs.

This is more than a raid now. It is a bust. Alexander Fleming could be involved in a kidnapping ring. I reluctantly take my finger off the trigger to stop myself from shooting the blokes surrendering next to them. It smelt of grease and oil in here. It's a good job we found them. God knows what might have happened to these kids. I call the situation in.

"How old are you, boys." Tomas' voice turns grisly.

"We are ten. Please don't shoot us." They reply with a sob.

The team knock the men down and arrests them. I check the corridor quickly and I close the door to make sure no one sneaks behind us.

"We are not here to hurt you," I tell the kids.

"Okay." They give a short reply.

"Make sure this room is clear of everything. We need a thorough search." I grunt and order the team.


"Dispatch we have kids here. Unarmed. We need backup." I ask with desperation in my voice.

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