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Chris' POV

"A report claimed by a jogger in the Rodgers Forest, tells us that you invaded Alexander Rodgers' house. After you ended up being shot." The officer hands me a sheet.

"What's this for?" I ask intently.

"A statement. Don't worry you are not in trouble. In fact. We have more evidence to add to the case of Alexander Rodgers. Thanks to you discovering more guards. Private guards. Should I say?" The Sergeant's superior voice bugs me.

"Yeah. Good luck. Also. Here. Have this mate. It's not like you'll need it anyway." I pass the Sergeant the blurred photo.

"Not much use. But we'll see what we can do."

"Before you go." I sit up.

"I found Alexander in a secret room. Hidden in another room. Which you couldn't find. Uh. He has a red room. Sir. I don't know whether you trust me or not." I stutter.

"Awful." The officer looks at his feet.

"If you are a witness. Then yes. We'll investigate the house again." The officer and Sergeant leave.

"He's on Alexander's side." Skyler nudges me with a quiet voice.

"Something's not right. He's corrupt. But our main priority is getting Lydia on our side. Then we have no inconveniences."

"Well. I'm having a nap." Skyler lies on her pillow.

"Alright. Sleep tight. You'll need the rest."


Skyler's POV

I look to my side and the lazy git is still asleep. I touch his shoulder and Christopher wakes up.

"Morning sunshine." I yawn. A pretty nurse walks in with a leaflet for Christopher. She has short brown hair with fake-looking smooth skin.

"Cheers, madam." Chris smiles.

I look at the nurse with harsh eyes. I'm not even jealous. I just don't have a good feeling about her. The nurse looks behind her and smiles while carrying a glass in her hand.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Leaving waver. Something like that." Christopher signs the sheet with elegance.

"So we can go? I've signed mine already." I yawn as I stand up.

"Yup. Let's call Lydia." I put the mobile phone to my ear as it dials.

"Hello. You alright love." I ask Lydia over the phone.

"Yeah. What's going on?"

"We need to meet outside the Momentum Cinema tonight. Roughly around seven." I smile.

"Yeah. Sure. What for." Lydia questions me. I look at Chris and he disapproves.

"We'll both tell you when we get there. Alongside Katie."

"Alright. See ya then." Lydia ends the call. I pack everything up. Me and Xavier walk through the halls and corridors until we leave the hospital.

"So. That's done out the way. We could do something. Like fishing." Chris shouts over the several ambulance sirens.

I know what Chris is up to. But why the heck not?

"Sure. You have got us both rods?" I squint.

"Yeah. I prepared it. But moved it to a later date. That date of time is today." Chris unlocks the car and we both sit and strap in.

"Nice. Well. Will we be able to?"

"Yes. The meetup is also perfectly timed afterwards."

"Nice." I smile secretively.

The road is covered in thin ice and grit. Chris likes me. Clearly. But this story about me and Chris' life isn't soppy.

"The fishing lake is twenty minutes away from here. The dude training us is a pro." Chris jokes.

"Right. I've never been fishing." I chuckle.

"Really. It's because you aren't patient." Chris digs.

"No. That's. Not true." I open my handbag.

"I got this for you. It's a photo frame." I smile. I got him a photo frame for when we get ourselves out of this mess and we chill out on the beach I guess. For a special moment.

"Thank you. It looks so nice. I'll have this ready. For whatever you want to put in it." Chris brakes hard.

"You stupid bitch!" Chris shouts at a driver pulling out of a junction.

"Damn. Moment ruined." I laugh.

"More like life almost ended."

We would eventually park up at the fishing pond. The snow delicately settles upon a cabin. A fisherman walks out.

"Hello, Chris. Who is this lady." The man shakes my hand.

"Paul. This is Skyler. And vice versa." Christopher greets.

"Nice to meet you." Paul shakes my hand. His accent is a thick Southern States.

"Same here mate."

"So are we fishing?" I ask with a tilted head.

"Ha. Look at the lake." Paul points.

"It's frozen." I stand confused.

"I didn't bring you here for fishing." Chris takes us both into the cabin.

"Tell her mate." Chris sits on a small sofa chair.

"That sergeant you have been speaking to. Is the best man for Alex. I know this because I was once friends with Alex. So I saw the wedding. The sergeant was his best man. And now his best mate."

"How do you know this Paul." The warmth in the cabin traps me.

"I was there. Like I told you." Paul sits down and groans like an old man.

"Okay. Well. Me and Chris have to go. We have a meeting with our friend to attend." I smile.

"Wait. The sergeant is also corrupt. Remember this. Alexander did kill." Paul smokes a cigar.

"Cheers Paul. Have a good day." Chris takes me to the car.

"So the sergeant is corrupt," I confirm.

"Yup." Christopher starts the engine.


6.59 PM Saturday: Momentum Cinema

"She should be here any second." Chris checks his watch and we both sit on a bench waiting for Katie and Lydia.

"Nice watch." I compliment with a tiring yawn.

"Look. That's them." I point out. Katie and Lydia approach us.

"Sit." They both sit on the bench.

"We have a plan. Lydia. You need to be in on this." I stare.

"What's the plan?" Lydia raises her eyebrows

"We kill Alex. Make it look like a suicide. Leave no trace." I articulate.

"I can't kill my husband!" Lydia shouts.

"Shush. Lydia. If he loved you. He wouldn't have a red room in your mansion with your name on it would he?" Chris convinces.

"Jesus. Well. I. I did not know my choice. But. Sure." Lydia joins in.

"We breach his house through the back. We take the rope and strangle him. We hang him and bam!" I plot.

"But. He will be in his red room again. So we should stick together." Christopher interrupts.

"Yeah. We all got that?"

"Lydia, are you in?" I ask.

Lydia nods with an innocent attitude.

"Okay. Let's drive to the forest. I have a thick rope with me. Once we do it. We run. Comprendé?"

"Yup." We all walk to the car and drive to the forest. The drive was quite long and silent. I'm still concerned if Lydia is in on this.

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