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Chris' POV

The A&E centre is warm and soothing. Everything is illuminated in several temperatures of orange and white. As we make our way through the corridor I look at Skyler who is lying on the stretcher. The paramedics lay her down on a bed. The doctors and nurses of the ward rush over to examine Skyler with close precision. I sit next to her on a cushiony chair. The heart rate monitor accelerates again.

"Tip what is happening?" I stand up from the chair.

"She is in an unknown condition. She'll be okay."

More nurses arrive and tend to Skyler who is having a violent fit.

"Grab the oxygen breather!" Tip shouts at a fellow doctor.

"Her heart rate is accelerating!" Connor panics slightly.

"Inject!" The doctors inject Skyler with a medicinal liquid. Her heart rate steadies after a few seconds.

"Is she okay?" I ask while it feels as if wasps are hovering in my stomach.

"So far. She'll be here quite a long time." Tip leaves the ward.

The beeping of heart monitors around the room starts to boil my blood. It keeps reminding me of what just happened.

"Excuse me. Sorry. Do you know if that will happen again?" I hold back a tear.

"We aren't sure. She has entered some strange state of hypothermia and maybe she might have an infection in her lungs." Connor leaves the doctors to do their job.

If Skyler was that close to death then I don't want to think about how much worse it could get. I notice an old man sleeping in a hospital bed near her. I'm so worried about Skyler. If she dies then I don't know what I will do. I'm lost without her. I switch the tiny television on and a news broadcast booms from its speakers.

"CPS has recently raided Alexander Rodgers' mansion after claims he has derogatory files and photos. Evidence was shown to the police before the raid. An officer was murdered on scene but most civilians were retrieved. We have no idea why young adults were being held captive in the mansion. However, police have concluded the situation but the Sergeant has not publicly released the why and when and who of the situation." The news reporter claims.

If Alexander is involved with this it could be huge. Maybe he did kill Xavier. An officer was killed as well. So those guards we saw a couple of days ago when we invaded Alex's house weren't guards? Are we the private guards? But they weren't dressed for it. They seemed so strange.

The heart rate monitors ominously beeps. Suddenly, Skyler lets out a deep breath. Her eyelids flutter open.

"Where am I!" Skyler panics and I calm her down.

"Hospital. Don't worry." I whisper.

"Hello, sir. Hello ma'am. Are you feeling well?" The male doctor sits on a chair.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Skyler stutters.

"You are delirious and in a shocked state. You are in safe hands. The police will be around in an hour to have a chat with you." The doctor smiles.

"About what?" I ask the doctor sternly.

"The news." He suggests.

"Oh. Skyler will need more than an hour. I need to have a chat with her as well." I smile and the doctor leaves.

"Are you alright?" Skyler groans in agony.

"I'm okay. It's you I should be worrying about. What's the matter." I ask and my heart thumps in panic when Skyler emits a painful groan.

"I'm okay. My back aches. What happened? Why am I here." Skyler tries to sit up and drops to the pillow again.

"Careful. You need to rest. You know what happens when people like you get out of the hospital too soon." I warn her.

"What happens?" Skyler looks at me.

The white pillow and blanket are her only source of comfort. This snowstorm that is blowing down Cedarwood has taken a drastic toll. Blue light shines through the tinted windows.

"You get drunk and end up back here for being silly when you are ill." I cheer her up.

"Right." Skyler sarcastically rolls her eyes.

"You must've got lost last night. Did you go for a walk or something?" I pause when a nurse brings Skyler food.

"Oh thank you so much, darling. I'm so hungry." Skyler smiles at her before the nurse leaves.

"Little bits at a time." I stop Skyler from devouring her slice of toast.

"I'm hungry."

"Yeah but just take it easy," I utter.

"Anyway. Yeah. I went for a walk and I can't remember much else. I remember seeing someone. In a forest. But the memory is tainted." Skyler forgets it.

"No. The police will want everything." I grab the TV remote.

"Why is that Christopher?" I knew Skyler was being serious.

"Watch." I switch the television on. I recorded the broadcast.

"CPS has recently raided Alexander Rodgers' mansion after claims he has derogatory files and photos. Evidence was shown to the police before the raid. An officer was murdered on scene but most civilians were retrieved. We have no idea why young adults were being held captive in the mansion. However, police have concluded the situation but the Sergeant has not publicly released the why and when and who of the situation." The reporter claims.

"Alexander. But why would he hold countless people in his mansion for everyone to just waltz in and look at basically?" Skyler grumbles in agony.

"Keep still." I stroke her hair but she takes my hand away.

"I want to kill him. He killed Xavier." Skyler cries.

"Yeah. He did. But the police aren't too sure. What if he is innocent? Those photos could've easily been placed there. He can afford a good lawyer so he won't be going behind bars anytime soon." I switch the TV off.

"It depends. Once I get out of bed. I will sneak into his home again. And find more evidence. Damning and crucial evidence." Skyler clenches her fists.

"Yeah. After a while. By then the court case would be finished, Skyler."

"Brilliant," Skyler growls with angry sarcasm.

"Or. You could."

"Me." I stand shocked.

"Sneak into that library and see what else we can find." Skyler exhales.

"Skyler." I look down with disapproval.

"For me. Please. I know it sounds bad when I say that but please. For me and you. For Xavier. For Katie, for your wife, for this town." Skyler holds my hand.

"Fine. What do I need?"

"A gun. Silenced. Something that can harm. But silent." Skyler lists.

Suddenly the sergeant along with many other officers enter the room with earpieces in their ears.

"Hello, Skyler. We need to have a chat." The sergeant lays his hands on his chest.

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