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"Alexander has been found. But he is not involved in a ring. He is innocent. We discovered this recently. There were people guarding the mansion when the police raided it. I'm sorry."

"There isn't enough evidence that Alexander is responsible for this or other cases. However, the night he went missing, his wife contacted us. Lydia Rodgers. Um. Also. We believe that Alexander went on the run because he was embarrassed and afraid of being falsely convicted. I'm sorry. But Alexander has also been taken off the list." The sergeant smiles.

"What about those photos?" I ask with suspicion.

"Most likely to do with those armed men on the night." An officer with a grisly British voice shows Skyler a photo of a man with a hunchback.

"Okay. Goodbye." The police officer leave and I wave the sergeant goodbye. He nods.

"He's a piece of shit. Alexander is the culprit. Go there tomorrow. Find something. And give it to the police." Skyler grits.

"Yeah. Sure. See ya later." I smile and kiss her goodbye.

I exit the hospital hurriedly and I call the co-manager of my café to come pick me up in my car. The long wait in the biting cold hindered my emotions. I sit at the side of the road waiting patiently. The storm of snow showers me. Thankfully I notice a car with bright headlights. I recognise the outline.

"Chris! Good day my friend!" His Texas accent echoes through the howling wind.

"Long time no see mate." I walk to him and sit in the passenger seat.

"How ya been?" Harris' Texas accent heals my stress.

"Oh alright. I'm helping someone at the moment and got shit going on." I sigh.

"What. The dude?" Harris turns on the radio.

"Yeah that dude. Alexander. He is my friend's boss." I scroll on my phone.

"Jesus. What's your mate's name?" Harris brakes In front of a red light.

"Skyler." I twitch when I realise how shit has gone downhill recently.

"Are you and her?" Harris chuckles.

"I'm getting there." I drink a bottle water.

"Fair enough. Oi. Did you here about that raid. The case if all this missing boys and girls! It's awful stuff." His Texas accent breaks.

"Yeah it is. It's not Alex though." I grunt.


"Yeah. Apparently so says the cops."

"That's sus, man." Harris turns into a junction.

"Tell me about it." I grunt under my breath.

"Well. Have a good day mate." Harris drops me off at the Café.

"See ya. Thanks for the ride." I wave and open the door.

The strong and soothing cafe warmth drifts around me. The coffee beans make my stomach rumble. I haven't eaten in a while.

"Boss. The coffee machine has had a malfunction. It's broken boss." Clyde alerts me in the kitchen.

"Get it fixed then. The manual is in the drawers." I order.

I walk upstairs and unlock the door. I step into the living space and launch myself on to the couch. The moonlight seeps through the clear window. The small chatter from a few customers linger in my head.

I'm gonna sneak into Alex's house when it becomes daytime. Or sunrise. The trouble is. Alexander is back home. It'll be tough to deal with. I grab a cigar and light it without fail. I cough on the smoke.

Eventually I would fall asleep. But. I remember something. Today was the day we would dig into Lydia's secrets and have a conversation with her at the cafe. Well. Skyler would need to. But that plan is screwed considering Skyler almost died. I need to call Katie to let her know the whole thing is now off.

"Wassup Katie." I puff on my cigarette.

"Who is this!" She hisses.

"Chris. And before you ask me how I got your number. Don't." I grab another cigarette after burning my old one out.

"What's the matter?" Katie drinks a beer obnoxiously.

"The thing is off. Skyler's in hospital." I inform her reluctantly.

"Shite! Well. Okay. Is she alright?" Katie's voice turns stale.

"No. She's not. But she's alive. She got lost last night going for a walk and almost froze to death."

"I'll see her later. Thanks for letting me know." Katie's voice softens.

"No issues. No problems. Have a good day dear." I end the call.

Now she knows everything. It's time to prepare my stuff. Getting inside the mansion is simple. Climb it. Last time Skyler climbed it with kit. But I can climb up there with ease. I have long enough arms and enough muscle.

I walk to my car in the car park and relax in the car seat. I slam the door shut start the engine of my Porsche. The snow licks the windows and gently falls on to the roof. I accelerate into the junction and drive to the mansion. How the hell did I get myself roped into this shit.

After a long drive I reached my destination. I parked up near the gate and behind a bush. I open my car door without making any noise. I notice someone at the gate.

"State your business here kid!" The guard walks up to me.

"I'm lost. Who are you?" I ask pretending to be a tourist.

"A bodyguard. Security. For the mansion. That's all I'm giving you." The guard clenches his gun.

This one doesn't look like the ones that the police showed me and Skyler. The guards on the photos were slender. They wore bandanas.

"Okay. Goodbye then." I walk into the forest pretending to be afraid.

The guard approaches the gate again and leaves me be as I walk into the forest. He must think I'm going for a stroll. I jump over an old wooden fence and the metal fence In front of me is topped with barbed wire. I grab some pliers out of my bag and cut through.

The wires snap and I rush through the perimeter. The mansion stood ominously with white LEDs illuminating the sides. I grab a pipe and pull myself up to reach a windowsill. I smash the window open and I haul myself into the room. I take a moment to breathe and I notice I have just broken into an office room.

I rummage around and find nothing interesting. Alex running away wasn't because of Lydia. It is too cliché. Alex knows what he is up to. He ran away because he kidnapped and killed missing people and suddenly they pop up when he is away. Someone else is working with Alex. I don't know whether I can trust anyone. Not even Skyler. This whole thing just feels like a bad dream.

I wander through the endless halls and finally reach the stairway. I must be on the first floor still. The library either is here or upstairs. I turn around reluctantly and I reach into my pocket for a weapon instinctively. A guard of some sort walks at the other end of the hallway. He opens the door and appears as if he is going to bed.

I sigh with relief and roam around the first floor. I search every inch and room. But there is nothing. I walk up the stairs and on to the second floor. I trip over a step and pick myself back up. I am met with the face of a man in a bandana.

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