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Armed Police POV

"Sending in another force." Dispatch replies. We make sure that the door is locked so no one on the outside can try to do some sneaky business. We have no choice but to wait." I recommend.

"Good idea." The rest of the officers replied.

Several long and anxious minutes later, backup arrived and escorted the arrested and victims away. We push through the hall.

"Alex is lucky to have her as his wife." Tomas laughs to brighten the atmosphere and points at a painting.

"Shush." I hate idle chatter.

We would clear another three rooms and there were only three remaining on this floor. The door beside us this time was larger and built of iron. We decide to take the other two first.

We instead take the choice of breaching the left room three metres away.

"Stack up. Get a lightweight wire cam under there." Mike orders. The rest keep an eye out for me while I inspect the room using the camera that is now firmly placed in between the slight gap under the door.

"A private guard. Armed. One kid. Shit. He's about to burn him." I rip the camera away.

"Cover your eyes, kid!" I yell.

"Throwing flash," Nick informs us. The door slams open and we arrest the guard.

"Are you okay kid?" Tomas kneels.


"Jesus Christ he was going to burn the poor little guy." Tomas looks at me.

"If it were up to me I would torture you and broadcast it." Mike restrains himself from hitting the guard.

"Listen, guys. I do not think these are guards." Henri and Cole stare at me confused.

"Who are they?" Tomas asks.

"I don't know," I call in an extraction team for the victim and suspect.

"Let's carry on guys." We continue to the other room.

I slide the LWC under the door and spot three suspects armed to the teeth. It looks like one of them is on a phone and the others are on laptops. This looks dodgy.

"Police, come out of that room now!" Cole roars.

Two of them come out but the other one remains inside and shoots the two suspects dead and Tomas in the arm. Cole drags him to the side and I throw smoke inside to gas him out. The coughing and belching shred the dreadful groans of the pain of Tomas.

I go in with my gun blazing.

"Suspect down. I'm calling it in." I touch my earpiece.

"Dispatch we have taken down a suspect. I repeat a suspect is killed in action. An officer has taken a vital hit to the artery. Request ambulance fast." I switch comms back to the squad.

"Last room on the second floor. Stack up. We are brute forcing this door down. It's steel. We need explosives." I demand.

"Come out now! Police!" I pound the door with my fist.

I didn't have to worry about getting shot because no bullets are going to penetrate this door. No answer.

"Are there any innocents in here!" Henri knocks on the door. Cole keeps pressure on Tomas' wound. There is a muffled scream. Suddenly the sound of glass breaking silences the sound of pain coming from Tomas' mouth.

"Keep pressure on that wound," I tell Cole.

"I don't think he's making it. George." Cole sighs and looks at me.

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