Chapter 4

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"Isn't D.R. to die for ??" Savanna asked smiling 

I rolled my eyes while moving my food around my plate 

"Deadass I don't want to leave " Kayden said wrapping his arm around his girlfreind's shoulder 


   So Today is the last day in D.R. and really this vacation sucked ass and I can't wait to get back to Bella , i haven't been talking to Kaycee and I have been keeping my distance from Savanna and she messed up part is she haven't even noticed. This whole vacation I have just been hanging with Cor and ever since our intense making session nothing has been weird between us it's almost as if it never happened. 

 Once the whole fam was done eating we all grabbed our belonging and made our way out the resort 


I flopped on my bed and smiled "good to be back" 

All of a sudden my door flung opened and Bella ran in "SKYLA !!" She yelled 

I got up from my bed while running to her and giving her a tight hug "I missed you !" 

"I missed you to girl !" Bella said giving me a hug 

"Hows have things been while I have been gone ?" I asked patting on my bed so Bella can sit next to me 

Bella sat down next to me while sighing " the same .. I mean I was bored from time to time but I was mostly with Anthony" 

"You guys been good ?" 

Bella nodded his head " yep our relationship has been getting stronger and stronger , but at times Princeton would tag along because he wanted to hang out with Anthony too" Bella rolled her eyes 

I laughed lightly " I see" 

"Talking about my brother .. what's up with you two ?" Bella asked

I began to get nervous and shrugged my shoulders " im thinking about cutting him off"

Bella's eyes grew big "What why ?!" 

"Because he said he doesn't want to wait for me anymore , he said sorry for saying that to me and that's not what he meant to say but that was a huge turn off" 

Bella sighed " Princeton is a really impatient person especially when it comes to something he really wants ... maybe you should talk to him " 

"I don't know Bella .." 

"Oh come on i know you still have feelings for him .." 

"That's the thing .. I don't think I do " 

Bella gave me a confused face "who else do you like then .. "

I gave Bella the same face she gave me "What makes you think I like somebody else ?"

"less then a week ago you had strong feelings for Princeton and now all of a sudden they just go away ?" 

"I told you it was a turn off what he said to me "

Bella shook his head "Fine I get that but it would be easy for you to forgive him if there wasn't another boy on your mind" 

Bella had a point .. I don't know if I should tell her that me and Corahn kissed , I mean I know she won't run off and tell Princeton but still , I think I will just tell her another time 

"theres no one else I promise .." 



     I pulled my hair into a high ponytail while putting my headphones in and messing around with the  treadmill. 

"Skyla is that you ?" 

I turned around and saw Gennis who was shirtless was kind sweaty

I smiled "Hey Gennis was kinda wondering when I was going to see you again" I got off the treadmill and gave Gennis a hug 

Gennis hugged back "Yeah same we exchanged numbers and we never texted or anything " 

I laughed " Yea I know , that will change though" 

Gennis smiled "Yeah hopefully , you doing anything tonight ?" 

I took my headphone out my ears "Not that I know of why ?" 

"Oh because we are doing a concert and I would like you to see" Gennis explained 

I smiled "ok yea sure sounds cool"

"good plus I would like for you to meet Tool" 

"alright so just give me the time and place and I will be there"

"Oh no you don't have to worry about that I will send somebody to pick you up"

I laughed a little " ok thanks , do you mind if I bring my friend along ?" 


   I rang the door bell waiting for somebody to answer. A couple of seconds later somebody answered the door. I looked up and saw Princeton standing there with a sad look on his face 

"Oh um .. is Bella home ?" I asked 

"not right now but she will be back in five minutes"

I nodded my head "ok" then I turned around and began to walk away 

"Skyla wait .." 

I slowly turned around and face Princeton "Yea ? .. " 

"Can we please talk ?" Princeton asked 

"What about ?" 

"Look I don't want to be on bad terms with you , i really miss you and I just want to see if we can start off where we left off .." 

"I don't know Princeton .." 

"Please I know I messed up but I can make it up to you " 

I shook my head " I can't , I mean you can-" I closed me eyes and took a deep breathe "we aren't going to work out" 

"Why not ?" 

"Hey Skyla " 

I looked over to my left and saw Bella standing there smiling at me 

"Finally your here , I gotta tell you something" I said smiling back at her

"oh okay .. you guys done talking ?" Bella asked pointing at me and Princeton 

Princeton opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off "Yea were done" 

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