Chapter 5

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"Come on hun you should try it" 

I looked at my aunt Crystal as if she was crazy "You have completely lost it if you think im going to become a model" I laughed and shook my head 

"You would be great at it , you would be following you aunts and I footsteps" My said explained taking a sip of her wine 

"Why do you guys even try with me ? to like do all these girly things with me ??" I asked 

"well for modeling it can start your career for such a young age since your father's and I name's are out soo that would make you get jobs easier and faster " My mom explained 

"Ok but why modeling ?" 

"You have any other ideas in mind ?" 

"She can do singing " I heard my dad said 

I turned around to see my dad walking behind my mom and hugging her from behind 

"I can't sing dad ... " 

"i'll be the judge of that " my dad winked at me 

"or you can even do both ... look your coming to work with your mother and I tomorrow " My aunt said 

I rolled my eyes "whatever ." I then looked at the time on my phone "alright well i'll talk toy you guys  later"

"where you going ?" My mom asked 

"to Tool and Gennis concert with Bella"  

My dad made a confused face "your a fan ?" 

"No but i met Gennis so he wants me and Bella to watch the concert" I explained 

"want me to take you ?" my dad offered 

"No Gennis is sending us a ride thanks anyways" I smiled at my dad then went up to my room 

  Once I got to my room I took a shower , then I put on ripped jean joggers , with a black long jersey. I put on a neon green polo bucket hat then curled the bottom of my hair. For shoes on put on purple and green roshe's. When I was done getting ready I grabbed my phone and went downstairs waiting for Bella to send me a text that our ride was in front of my house since the car was picking her up first. As I waited I sat on the island and scrolled through my phone. 

"You look nice .." 

I looked up and saw kaycee looking through the fridge. I didn't say anything back but just went back to my phone 

"sooo your not going to answer me ?" Kaycee asked 

Once again I didn't answer her. Kaycee then closed the fridge and looked at me 

"Look im sorry about what I said a couple of days ago" 

All of a sudden my phone beeped which was a text from Bella saying that the ride was here "ok" I said getting up and leaving the house. When I got outside there was a white limo standing in front of my house .. I actually couldn't believe Gennis did that for us. When I got inside I saw Bella in amazment. 

"it's nice in here" I said looking around 

"it's more then nice ! its to die for ! " Bella cried "Gennis and Tool really hooked us up" She added

I laughed "they sure did" 

All of a sudden Bella's face grew sad and she looked at me " I know I haven't asked you in a while but .. you talked to Anthony about the money thing right ?" 

I sighed and played with my fingers " Bella I really think you should have a talk with Anthony about that ..." 

"Why ? did he tell you something ?" 

"n-no but I think it's important that you discuss that with him" 

"You know something don't you .. "

"I um kinda do ... " 

Bella eyes got wider "then tell me ! " 

"Bella it's not something I can just come out and say especially its not my so called secret to tell " 

"Your my best friend Skyla so please tell me .." 

I grabbed Bella hands " look im telling you it's not something you want to hear from me , it's better if you hear it from your boyfriend , trust me ok ?" 

Bella sighed and squeezed my hands tighter without noticing " is it something that I need to worry about ?" 

"That's something you need to decide for your self .. " 


  When we got to the theater some guy lead Bella and I backstage. When we got there Gennis and Tool were doing some vocal lessons so Bella and I just stood to the side. All of a sudden Tool looked up at us and he patted Gennis pointing to us. Gennis looked over at us and smiled and walked to us 

"You made it" Gennis said pulling me into a hug 

"like I said I was" I said hugging him back 

Gennis looked at Bella and smiled at her "What's your name ?" 

"Isabella but I rather Bella" She said smiling 

"Nice to meet you Bella "Gennis said giving Bella a hugged back 

 All of a sudden Tool ran towards us "Hey guys " 

"Tool this is Bella and Skyla , girls this is Tool" 

"Hey Tool" Bella and I said at the same time thenTool have us hugs 

"You guys are on in 30 seconds !" Some lady said to the boys 

"oh damn !" Gennis said fixing himself 

"ok so we actually gave you girls front row seats so our manager will take you there" Took said point to the lady 

The lady smiled at us and lead us over to our seats. As soon as Bella and I sat down the boys came of stage and the crowd went crazy. There concert was really good I couldn't lie. most of the concert Bella and I were dancing with each other and even with other fans. I think Tool and Gennis noticed us because they would look our way and hold in a laughter. 

The night was pretty great. 

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